Global V.D.T.O.R.S. Community Directory Connecting Vampires, Donors, Therians, & Otherkin
All self-identified vampi(y)res, donors, therians, otherkin, and interested parties 18 years of age or older are encouraged to participate by completing the following form. This Directory is designed to aid individuals as well as the vampire and other communities in bridging communication gaps and encourage social networking within local geographic areas -- connecting vampi(y)res, donors, therians, and otherkin in the social media and mobile peer-to-peer era. If you encounter any technical difficulties submitting this form you can relay your contact information directly via For additional information regarding this initiative please refer below the form or on the Global Directory Geographic Maps & Database page linked below.
Directory Registrations To Date: 2,827 Vampi(y)res, Donors, Therians, Otherkin, Researchers, & Supporters
General [FAQ] & Additional Information:
The database (Unique Identifier (UID) | Identity Type (VDTORS) | Location) is updated periodically based on the information provided by all respondents who have indicated a birth year of 2000 or prior (18+). All contact information relayed via the Global V.D.T.O.R.S. Community Directory form will remain confidential and not subject to any public dissemination. Only those who have expressed the desire to be connected with other vampi(y)res, donors, therians, and otherkin in their specific geographic area (generally defined as a 125 mile/200 km radius and/or country; non-U.S./Canada) will receive additional information (first name/nightside/moniker and primary e-mail address only) of others who are part of the Global V.D.T.O.R.S. Community Directory. Those who do not express interest in being connected with others in their geographic area will be added to the general mailing list and any provided social media profiles for Vampire Community News. A detailed packet of information is sent to those who register for the Global V.D.T.O.R.S. Community Directory and we are available to answer questions via the e-mail provided above.