Response 001
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
The community is ever evolving, but much too slow due to the egos of those that have been here the longest some times. Knowledge must be shared.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. The shunning of Ronin.
b. Elitism among elders.
c. Baby bat syndrome.
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Three (3)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
I'm getting older. Finding donors is becoming an issue.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
How to spot others of our kind, respect, dream walking, remote viewing, remote feeding.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: - b. Eradicated Resource: - c. Severe Admonishment: - d. Torture & Burning: -
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 002
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
What started as a "self help" and fellowship community has become a social, media subculture.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. No longer good places for young, newly awakening Vamps to get help and information (message boards are now mostly dead).
b. We have become so politically correct our community has become virtually useless. (pun intended).
c. We're not actually helping anyone anymore, the VC is no longer a safe place to talk about Vampiric issues.
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Four (4)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
I still indulge in Sang Vampiric Ageing research and other research into ways to make the lives of Sanguinarians easier. Blood feeding is still a complicated issue in the community to which there seems to be no solution.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I still mentor, I still keep Smoke and Mirrors open as a read only archive for those who need some of the 1000s of pages of research and discussion there. I would have an interest in facilitating my board as open board again, if the VC were not such a Sang unfriendly place and the abuse those of us who try to be of service, are often on the receiving end of. (I'm tired of abuse)
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: None b. Eradicated Resource: None c. Severe Admonishment: None d. Torture & Burning: None
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 003
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
It is hard to answer this question as the Vampire Community is very small in my country but what I have observed in other countries is that community members seem to becoming more accepting in some communities, there are more support services and information for Vampires.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. I would like to see, more pictures of Vampire girls that are bigger than a size 10, I like anyone can appreciate a young slim beautiful woman but not all of us are slim and young, it would be nice to see some tasteful pictures of more rounded figured woman on the Facebook pages and magazines.
b. When at events it would be good if there were more services for disabled people, I have been to several and long walking and stairs are very hard for me, by the time I got to my seat I stuffed, I just think that the community needs to remember that not all Vampires are able bodied.
c. -
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Four (4)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
I want to learn to settle my spirit more, and not be worried about what others think of me, the Vampire Community in New Zealand is virtually non existent so there is not much support, I guess for me it would be an international support system.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I am very practical and a hands on sort of person, I am very patient and don't easily anger.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: - b. Eradicated Resource: - c. Severe Admonishment: Anyone who believes that they have the right to push their thoughts and religion on you and that what you believe in is wrong. d. Torture & Burning: None, all should have the right to exist.
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 004
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
Relatively stagnant with the exception of a few groups.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Trolling (s/e)
b. A lot of groups offering aid to newly awakened but not actually helping.
c. Lack of cohesion
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Four (4)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
I'm quite alright, more in the process of teaching at the moment.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I have a lot of knowledge in basic craft and spell work. I have taught vampires how to feed before despite not being one myself. And I am willing to make myself available to council through Skype.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: People who aren't aligned with any particular house/coven/organization. b. Eradicated Resource: None c. Severe Admonishment: Those who state they can deliver power to new ones on a silver platter, without actually teaching them anything. d. Torture & Burning: None
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True b. False
Response 005
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
Growing in interest and reality.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Feared because of ignorance.
b. Medical science not taking us serious.
c. The lack of proper history.
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
Improve medical knowledge and information.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
Experience/observation for life applications.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: Inquisitor has a bad history as a term. b. Eradicated Resource: Not enough info. c. Severe Admonishment: Not enough info. d. Torture & Burning: None
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. False
Response 006
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
Difficult for vampires to find others of their kind in person.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Easier to find fellow vampires.
b. More scientific research.
c. -
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Three (3)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
Meet other vampires.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
Computer skills, (hardware, some software).
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: - b. Eradicated Resource: - c. Severe Admonishment: Steve Leighton d. Torture & Burning: -
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 007
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
Dead. (Actual community, but not the subcultures and not the societies - enough boards and individual lists have enough activity, but as a whole, all together, dead.) Also no one understands what networking is, if we had a site like Facebook for every vampire i.d. or personality in the world, where our groups, lists and pages and things could be accessed all on one site, collectively as a network, then we would look so much as a whole better represented.)
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Information needing to be updated, from basic awakenings to what happens later to older mature vampires.
b. The lack of a proper place to network as a whole.
c. Busybodies trying to steal the show, fake elderness, not understanding what true vampirism is about, perceiving this only as a model/hollywood dress up contest or fake politics between old actors and fake people trying to be something their not and coming down on others who do try to represent the truth without it being a horror show.
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Three (3)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
I go there to network, to invite others to share info on polls, ideas, goals, mainly on Facebook. I have all the information I need through my own experiences. I go there to meet others similar to me.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I can do subdomain hosting. I am a soul reader, I do soul readings and I do not sugarcoat answers, I tell things like they are.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: I thought that was what your sites are? to people like me.. lol b. Eradicated Resource: Mine, defiantly mine. I am such a sleeze. Sin Nomine me asap. c. Severe Admonishment: Sanguines apparently, all that false fetish advertisement d. Torture & Burning: *Removed Due To The Sensitivities & Concerns Of Named Parties
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. False
Response 008
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
Shattered, scattered, confused.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Lack of continuity.
b. Lack of direction.
c. Lack of oversight leading to inner fighting, attacks against other community members, exploitation.
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
I do not seek assistance. I seek the opportunity for all who seek to find guided and patient assistance.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
Insight, distance energy work.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: Anyone compassionate and patient, who possesses a continuously open mind. b. Eradicated Resource: - c. Severe Admonishment: - d. Torture & Burning: -
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True b. False
Response 009
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
Become more and more a reflection of the society we live in.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Blood drinking becoming more taboo/ frowned upon.
b. 'Regulation' of feeding (good ~v~ bad practices) already leading to shunning.
c. The continued domestication, definition and labeling of 'vampires' into set groups for all the world to see.
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Five (5)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
It'd be nice for people to understand that before the internet and shiny Hollywood movies, a newly 'awakened' vampire had no advice, no mentors and no rules. We didn't know what we were, we didn't understand our needs and as a result we didn't know 'the rules' that now seem to be a given. I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels at odds/left out with a growing vampire population that has know what they were after a quick Google.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
None to the modern vampire.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: I'd advise against this course of action. b. Eradicated Resource: I'd advise against this course of action. c. Severe Admonishment: I'd advise against this course of action. d. Torture & Burning: I'd advise against this course of action.
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 010
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
Sub-divided, fractured, in-fighting, overly political and too many opinions as to what is and is not a vampire and even how to spell vampire in order to be politically correct.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Seemingly invisibly hierarchically political and cliquish.
b. Too divided with in-fighting.
c. Can't decide what a vampire actually is or how to even spell it.
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Three (3)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
No longer willing to help as I was treated with disrespect or ignored when I had Houses before due to my interest in what some vampires are when outside of the body and when they die based upon what I experienced when I died and was sent back and due to who I very validly claimed I am. I was sent back for a reason and reaching out to the Dark Children was a huge part of it as was sealing them so they could find Zemargad when astrally traveling and when they die. It seems people prefer opinions and political bullshit. They can find their own way. I am no longer listening. A few believed me and were sealed. Most did nit even get to meet or know me and never will in this lifetime or afterwards.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: - b. Eradicated Resource: - c. Severe Admonishment: - d. Torture & Burning: -
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True b. False
Response 011
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
I can not state an opinion on the state of the community as I stay far away from it.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. It is closed to those vampires that do not enjoy the subculture.
b. Vampires who enjoy a typical dayside lifestyle are not included in discussion of the community.
c. -
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Two (2)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
I am about as white normal middle class as it gets. I can not find any social arena in the community that I can even remotely relate to. I do not enjoy the "typical" vampire lifestyle. It would be nice if I could find others like me.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I am fairly normal. I would be happy to help others who do not enjoy the typical nightside subculture. I have children and would be willing to help teenagers.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: - b. Eradicated Resource: - c. Severe Admonishment: The "famous" ones that make all of us look like cooks! d. Torture & Burning: -
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 012
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
The VC today shows signs of trending toward a more socially conscious and well-balanced group, welcoming diverse perspectives while maintaining a common sense of identity. We still have far to go before we master these nascent traits--as many still prefer to pit one view against another rather than focus on supporting the common ground on which many differing views within the VC can be simultaneously voiced--but support by prominent members of the community for this ideal vision of what we could be is more visible than ever.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Diverse perspectives are often treated as competitive rather than complementary or otherwise equally valid. Occasionally I'll notice ideas (not necessarily representative of the majority of the community) expressed in such as way as to appear absolute or universally held when in fact they are merely one person's opinion. There's nothing wrong with having a unique perspective/belief and sharing it or even passionately espousing it, but actively and aggressively invalidating differing views within the community can threaten the integrity of the community.
b. The community at large tends to be so open and variably defined that it's nebulous to the point of falling short of some of the characteristics many find most meaningful and beneficial in a community. This, in turn, leads to many seeking out Houses or other subgroups, many of which satisfy these needs perfectly, but some of which only support sectarianism. If a wider network of such groups within the community were to collectively agree on a number of core issues/definitions, that network could serve as a sort of "mainstream" vampi(y)re community, immediately distinguishable from more fringe and potentially dangerous groups.
c. What I see as the most concerning problem is, thankfully, an issue I've personally seen far less of than once I did: donor marginalization. We depend--often vitally so--on our infinitely gracious donors but there are those within the community who have openly suggested in both words and actions that donors may be treated with little more respect than inanimate objects or servants. I feel that cultivating an environment in which our donors feel safe, respected, and highly valued is ethically mandated. Dismissing the needs of donors is unconscionable and runs completely contrary to what I see as the ideals of the community at large. As I said, I have subjectively noticed this behavior declining on its own, and the availability of resources and safe spaces like Black Swan Haven are reassuring, but it is concerning that, when I do see a vampi(y)re passively dismissing the worth or the feelings of a donor in a public forum, I don't see an immediate chorus of chastisement from other vampi(y)res. I would like to see a more vocal and unequivocal statement made by prominent members of the community about the need to respect and support donors, not just when they are actively donating to us, but by virtue of their gift to the community in general. They should be treated as members of the VC because they are vitally important members of the community, subject to many of the same prejudices and challenges as non-donor vampi(y)res.
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Three (3)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
I would love to see the new VDTORS directory (or any other organized system of information designed to serve the needs of the VC) utilized to inform me (and others interested) of locally available charitable activities (especially within groups sensitive to the vampiric identity) that need volunteers. Not only is a strong, positive sense of community fostered by working together toward common ends, but many members of the community feel that the vampiric identity has a strong positive correlation to high degrees of empathy and altruism; facilitating our access to outlets for those impulses would fulfill a very real need for many of us who sustain ourselves in part on the energy of such exchanges while simultaneously providing an opportunity for good publicity for the community.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I am exceptionally articulate and highly skilled at understanding diverse perspectives and reconciling superficially opposed points of view. I pride myself on my writing skill and have employed this skill in promoting what I view as a more positive presentation of vampirism and the vampire community. Ultimately, I would say that empathy is my greatest asset, as I see it as informing all of my other most highly valued abilities.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: - b. Eradicated Resource: - c. Severe Admonishment: - d. Torture & Burning: -
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True b. False
Response 013
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
I see the VC as a community that could potentially "work better" and be more harmonious, if more people compromised and worked towards the greater good than is currently done.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Stubborn narrow minded people with rigid, uncompromising views.
b. Too much false information out there.
c. A lack of compassion and charity.
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Three (3)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: None b. Eradicated Resource: c. Severe Admonishment: None d. Torture & Burning: None
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. False
Response 014
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
I see hope.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. People complain a lot but don’t really do much to contribute.
b. As usual its a lot of the Alpha thing going on and many wants to be leaders who doesn’t cooperate well with others :P I cant really see how anyone should manage to lead if they don’t have others trust to be honest.
c. People focus too much on others flaws and forgets their own challenges. Plenty to work on for each and everyone I say. Pffttt.
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Five (5)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
I don’t really wish or expect for anyone but myself to improve or mitigate my life so don’t feel I need much help with that. To be able to socialize and cooperate with others around the world though, that’s great :D And to be able to share what information is available and personal experiences with others vamps so to develop personally that’s invaluable.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
Well, I connect well with others (usually :P) So I feel I contribute with doing that and linking people together who wasn’t getting along or didn’t know each other before. I do a lot of personal counseling as an emotional healer and help with newly awakened or whoever who might have some issue and seek me for help. I try share what I know and have experienced about energy work which is what I do best and perhaps it could have been nice to be used even more as a connector. To reach out to the parts of the community around that aren’t participating in the OVC yet or just to establish contact. I could like to do more of that.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: Merticus, Corvis Nocturnum, Michelle Belanger and Isealdor b. Eradicated Resource: - c. Severe Admonishment: Alison Demzon, Demeer Blackthorn, Deacon Gray, Damian Nightwalker, Cole Ledbetter, Madame X, Donna Michelle Fernstrom, Julia DarkRose d. Torture & Burning: *Removed Due To The Sensitivities & Concerns Of Named Parties
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 015
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
The community is currently too isolated as a whole. We need to come up with a better way for others to talk.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Lack of communication.
b. Subcultures growing popularity in mainstream America.
c. -
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Four (4)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I have a great deal of experience helping people heal from emotional damage.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: - b. Eradicated Resource: - c. Severe Admonishment: - d. Torture & Burning: -
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True b. False
Response 016
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
I feel the community is a bit disjointed. I also feel there is a lot of superficial judgment within the community.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Lack of unity.
b. Elitism
c. -
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Four (4)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
There are no real houses or donor networks anywhere near NE Oklahoma. I haven't fed in over a year...
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I have a great deal of knowledge and experience to share.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: Merticus b. Eradicated Resource: Hmm...I'm not sure, to be honest... c. Severe Admonishment: Father Sebastiaan d. Torture & Burning: *Removed Due To The Sensitivities & Concerns Of Named Parties
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 017
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
It's been a rather dull year: no major fights or troll attacks. Just the way I like it!
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. I have trouble finding donors when my current donor becomes unavailable.
b. Any potential donors seems to want the vampire/donor relationship to be more than platonic.
c. -
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Three (3)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
The Donor Registry is an amazing idea, but I'd like to see it moved further along by having its database made available for vampires and donors alike... or does it already do this? I'll have to look into it.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I have used the knowledge that I had obtained to help other vampires or donors who are new to the online vampire community, just as others have helped me when I first arrived upon the scene. I've also learned to be more patient and diplomatic with people when disagreements arise; this is an important skill, especially in the online community.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: No one. b. Eradicated Resource: None c. Severe Admonishment: None, that I know of. d. Torture & Burning: No one, NEVER AGAIN!
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 018
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
Supportive and fun when you can access the real thing.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. People faking, lying, or playing at being a vampire.
b. Not enough real information for new vampires or people who just found out.
c. Social gatherings are so incredibly ridiculously hard to find.
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
One (1)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
Just more real information in regards to day to life, social gatherings, health issues etc. For new vampires or vampires that have to go through this and find stuff entirely on their own. It's crazy difficult to find real vampires and even if you do find real vampires you probably aren’t going to believe them anyway.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
Ok I'm sure this is a very, very common one to hear about. But my psychic abilities. I'm an incredible skeptic so I wouldn't necessarily believe me either but there it is.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: I’m not sure I understand/have an opinion. b. Eradicated Resource: I’m not sure I understand/have an opinion. c. Severe Admonishment: I’m not sure I understand/have an opinion. d. Torture & Burning: I’m not sure I understand/have an opinion.
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 019
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
The community has matured but work needs to be done.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Role players
b. Bad donors
c. False profiles
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Four (4)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
Better information.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
The art of moving silently.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: VC b. Eradicated Resource: Role player sites. c. Severe Admonishment: Anti vampire groups. d. Torture & Burning: *Removed Due To The Sensitivities & Concerns Of Named Parties
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True b. False
Response 020
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
The community is fairly large, some a grouped together, some don't even know each other. I would like the community to be tighter bonded together, for the sake of sharing, knowing and learning.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Information/literature/articles spread too wide across the web. Centralization needed.
b. Communication far and wide isn't as good as it could be. People know people by names and personality, not by ideology and personal views on vampyrism.
c. People are left to themselves regarding learning, understanding and finding information on various sub-groups and ideologies in the vampire community at large. I don't think that this is a mentoring problem, but it seems that people fall into bad crowds without even knowing it.
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Three (3)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
Making larger scale local events.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
Organization of information. Ideas (all areas). Web-design/layout.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: A group with 1 representative individual from each country where vampires reside. Something like the UN. UNV? With terms and/or voting. b. Eradicated Resource: I really like most websites out there, but a single place to find all information needed would be nice (and would take focus away from bad websites). c. Severe Admonishment: I believe that all vampire ideologies and thoughts should be allowed to have their beliefs and doctrines. So no-one, unless they are aggressive and ruins the community. d. Torture & Burning: Let's not hope that it has come to such a point.
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True b. False
Response 021
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. No central point for information.
b. Too many trolls causing trouble in discussions.
c. No unity anywhere.
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Two (2)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
Give me support in growing the subculture into countries that do not have any organisation in place. Except for the fang cults.. I lack motivation often do to no back up or positive response.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I organise and do. Problem solver and soul readings.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: Merticus b. Eradicated Resource: Any site that says vampires can be turned...yeah maybe they can but company line should be only those born that way. c. Severe Admonishment: Any that wants to run others down and insult rather than encourage and build. d. Torture & Burning: *Removed Due To The Sensitivities & Concerns Of Named Parties
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. False
Response 022
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
I find the VC most unwelcome at the moment...I only talk to people I know in the community, and they are few.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Mannerisms/Respect for one another.
b. Fighting/bickering.
c. -
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Two (2)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
As I'm a sang donor, and being in this country (Australia), there is no support or anything of that nature here.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
Kindness :)
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: - b. Eradicated Resource: Steve Leighton's & Father Sebastiaan’s c. Severe Admonishment: Steve Leighton & Father Sebastiaan Van Houten d. Torture & Burning: *Removed Due To The Sensitivities & Concerns Of Named Parties
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 023
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
Far too much time spent addressing image rather than substance. Segmented and polarized with divides you swear adults could have worked out years ago. Too many choose one options and polarization on surveys (lol-I'm a middle of the road guy).
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Substance over facade. Less dealings with public image and more dealings with sharing of philosophy, psychology, sociology engaging in open minded conversation between various parties.
b. Ego, entitlement, titles, the saturation of media garbage rather than in depth construction of substantive material on a non-biased shared expression of multiple diverse view points.
c. In odd debates we have the inoperable cancer of the "I'm absolutely right" mentality-this is unaddressable I believe. People are unable to accept that everything they know maybe wrong and probably is. We deal with a complex host of issues where theory is dismissed as fancy and improvable with infantile understanding of the science or faith which fuels such complexities. Conversations of possibility are shelled before launch. People often argue rather than have an intelligent debate. This is of course old hat.
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Three (3)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
It is often the unknown and untalked about issues that assist me. To point a finger at it would degrade what I would say I need assistance with. More or less it's substance and depth-a thirst for something deeper-something beyond and above and below what can be seen.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
Completely bat$%^& insane (check). I'm not super intelligent nor do I have super powers. I do have a list of experiences, an open mind, a few miles on me, an ability to listen to what you have to say and talk to you openly about it. I ask questions which sound stupidly common yet are so strangely common no one has yet to ask them to find out that the answers may surprise you. I'm broadband in my experiences so anything really you can think of I may have an insight into. I don't ascribe to one theory or another-one house or one person or another-one view point or another. Everything you may have never thought of as skills really.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: (Humor) Daemonox b. Eradicated Resource: Hard to say. Maybe Vampire Rave? c. Severe Admonishment: ....they self doubt and castigate themselves. It's a win win. d. Torture & Burning: Depends on the torture-some people are into that...but burned at the stake? Mobs form radical forms of punishment when left unchecked. Burning is one of them.
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 024
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
Living Vampyre (2012) & OtherKin (2013) is what I embraced during that time.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. -
b. -
c. -
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Five (5)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
Meeting more Living Vampyre, OtherKin, & Hybrids in Cleveland, OH and more.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
Creative Writing in Fiction & Non-Fiction, I want to write books in the future despite my busy schedule.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: - b. Eradicated Resource: - c. Severe Admonishment: - d. Torture & Burning: -
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True b. True
Response 025
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
Still very much hidden and difficult to access.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. A stable medium through which to make contact with genuine people in my area.
b. Too many restrictions and often excuses when people are approached, suggesting they are not genuine.
c. I would be an Active Participant (Q3) if I could find others within a reasonable distance.
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Four (4)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
More detailed profiles of members with location, role, experience and what they are looking for.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I would be happy to discuss these if/when I feel it is appropriate.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: - b. Eradicated Resource: - c. Severe Admonishment: - d. Torture & Burning: -
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 026
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
I'm not sure. It's mostly connected through websites that I don't frequent much anymore.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Too much online content to digest, for not enough benefit (access to donors, sense of community, real health and safety information).
b. The differences between local scenes seems largely geographic, with more structure on the East Coast and less in the West.
c. It just seems we're in a weird place: The larger "vampire craze" from the last few years seems to have hit its peak and is subsiding, while the conversations online seem to have hit a similar high-point of engagement.
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Three (3)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
I think it's a cultural shift that we need. We're used to being anonymous voices online, and for some, that's enough. The next level, though comes to having a real-world presence in one another's lives, and I don't know how to get there, without compromising the security for people's identities, and the like.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I'm a great project manager.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: - b. Eradicated Resource: - c. Severe Admonishment: - d. Torture & Burning: -
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 027
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
Lacking in caring about one another. They to me see it as nothing but a social gathering not a family style as it should be. I must area this how bad it has gotten.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. More reaching out to the younger ones they need a guide and help.
b. If your going to pay for knowledge make it one fee not levels.
c. Stop with all the gossip and stop pushing people away just because you "heard something".
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Three (3)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
Need better mentoring
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: N/A b. Eradicated Resource: N/A c. Severe Admonishment: N/A d. Torture & Burning: N/A
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. False
Response 028
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
Not enough involvement to accurately evaluate this.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Attitudes/egos within the community.
b. "Members" of the community spreading wrong/negative information and ideals.
c. How the community is perceived by others - stigmas, and wrong information.
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Four (4)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
N/A I got the assistance I needed a long time ago and have not been involved in the community lately (because of past drama).
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
Ask me for anything really. My day job involves Human Services, specifically working with youth. My other day job involves mass amounts of makeup - SPFX and beauty makeup. My volunteer work includes planning and running events/conventions catered toward sci-fi/horror/anime/fantasy/medieval communities. You name it, and I've probably done it.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: Hahahaha!! No seriously give this one to Merticus! b. Eradicated Resource: I don't peruse the internet for information on vampirism. Vampire Freaks can go : ) c. Severe Admonishment: Again, lmao. I don't get involved enough to know what groups are causing problems, but I will say... Jonathon Sharkey. d. Torture & Burning: *Removed Due To The Sensitivities & Concerns Of Named Parties
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 029
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
I wish I couldn't fathom how much I love the online vampyre community but at my current residence I do not hold permission to grant internet access just yet. So, due to that I can not obtain all the information of the online vampyre society as how I should. Though in real life, there is rare vampyres surrounding me so I am often solitary but enjoy it .I wish I could be dedicated to the community, in due time I shall be.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. A wider alliance.
b. More meetups in all areas.
c. Immature posers on this site.
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Four (4)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
I looked over all the information on this site and it proves to be accurate to me, if it's accurate it's dandy to me. I like because it has a wide range of cultures logged on and I can come on this site any time I please.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I may not be able to assist any others as this moment of time, I am myself still learning. Always.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: - b. Eradicated Resource: - c. Severe Admonishment: - d. Torture & Burning: -
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. False
Response 030
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
I view the Community as a place to be yourself.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Meeting places are too far away from me.
b. Not enough places to meet people.
c. Not enough people near me.
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Five (5)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
I would like help with my abilities and a teacher that is close by me.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I know how to work with energy via my own abilities.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: I have no idea since life has been busy for me. b. Eradicated Resource: I have no idea since life has been busy for me. c. Severe Admonishment: I have no idea since life has been busy for me. d. Torture & Burning: I have no idea since life has been busy for me.
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 031
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
Helpful, friendly and up to date.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Reaching out to other vamps.
b. -
c. -
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Five (5)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
I'd like to be able to reach out to other vamps. Nice to have a mentor service for vamps who just became awakened.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: - b. Eradicated Resource: - c. Severe Admonishment: - d. Torture & Burning: -
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 032
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
The Vampire Community is hidden, an underground sort of community that most people only see as a very dark and scary thing. I'd like to see the community shed its light and bring awareness of the good it actually does for the society at large.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Mental illness
b. Sociopaths
c. Depression
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Four (4)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
I would like to find real other vampires who are healthy individuals to be a part of my real life.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I am a Healer, a Therapist, a Life and Relationship Coach, a Reiki Master, Yoga Teacher and Massage Therapist. I help with trauma, sexual abuse and recovery, sexual issues and emotional healing. I also work with clearing blocked energy, moving and awakening it to new levels.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: Wiccans/Pagans/Witch Doctors b. Eradicated Resource: Satanic ones c. Severe Admonishment: Sociopaths and those who just need serious therapy. d. Torture & Burning: *Removed Due To The Sensitivities & Concerns Of Named Parties
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 033
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
I have not seen much involvement in the community, it seems to slow down.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. -
b. -
c. -
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Four (4)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: - b. Eradicated Resource: - c. Severe Admonishment: - d. Torture & Burning: -
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 034
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
I think that we need to come together, and stop hiding!
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Denying what they are.
b. Not enough support.
c. Meeting places.
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
One (1)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: The elders b. Eradicated Resource: Those role play sites c. Severe Admonishment: Those who think they are hunters d. Torture & Burning: *Removed Due To The Sensitivities & Concerns Of Named Parties
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True b. False
Response 035
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
The vampire community here in Mississippi in my opinion is very thin. I've met no one here that is of the community, I have however net a few witches. But in all it’s down to nothing here.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. I have no network of beings to interact with.
b. Not taken serious enough.
c. No symbols indicating vampire kin even exists here.
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Four (4)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
I need to be connected to the networking in a physical form. To be apart of it body mind and soul, bit I have found nothing so far. Locations and vampire friendly bars and restaurants.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I can take and give energy. I feel as though I give more than I take. I have not found a consenting donor. I can read emotions and unlock the minds eye of others. Very good sense of smell, capable of tracking someone, or by reaching out through the mind to find a certain emotion. I have fought scents bit they lead to a dead end...
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: A mixture of all breeds. b. Eradicated Resource: Honestly I don’t believe any. c. Severe Admonishment: None d. Torture & Burning: None
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True b. False
Response 036
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
The Russian community is well organized: Information is updated weekly, community members in contact with each other, but mostly within network. I have so much more to say, but that does not fit into the format of this question.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Rare meeting members of the community.
b. Improving the organization of community.
c. -
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Five (5)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
When I was In the Awakening ,community has helped me not to go crazy, understand myself and to become better.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I can not specifically answer your question, sorry.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: - b. Eradicated Resource: - c. Severe Admonishment: - d. Torture & Burning: -
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. False
Response 037
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
I feel that the VC as it is now is a complete mess.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. The formation of exclusive organizations are causing many solitary vampyres to despise them. The members of these groups act with a high sense of superiority that distances them further from solitary vampyres. This causes not only a further divide between the groups, but the behaviors of these members are often embarrassing to solitary vampyres.
b. Misinformation is spreading like wildfire, both on the internet and in things like documentaries, interviews, news, etc.
c. Influential figures need to tone down their opinions so as not to cause fights to break out. For example, the idea that sanguinarians feed off psychic energy in the blood is not an idea many sanguinarians believe in, and it is certainly not possible for every sanguinarian to change their feeding methods as many psychics suggest.
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Two (2)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
I'd like more gatherings to occur particularly in the Midwest. I don't feel like I know the community in my state very well at all.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I don't know how much help I could be given my introverted personality, but I'd be willing to help in any way I can. Perhaps sharing information online or helping to organize events?
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: - b. Eradicated Resource: - c. Severe Admonishment: - d. Torture & Burning: -
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 038
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
I believe it is fading, not because the vampires themselves are moving on, but because the drama has died down.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Lack of focus.
b. Not enough programs.
c. Not enough organizations that are active.
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Four (4)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
I would like to see more comprehensive written works.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I am not sure. I have tired a great deal of things, but it is hard to keep people motivated.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: I would go with a mix of elder organizations and active individuals. b. Eradicated Resource: Father Sebastiaan's organizations. c. Severe Admonishment: I get tired of the role players, and obvious profiteers. d. Torture & Burning: That is a little morbid for me.
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True b. True
Response 039
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
Need more cohesive togetherness and communication amongst all groups.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Groups are too spread out.
b. Too many areas where vampires have no community support.
c. More areas where people could discover like minded people.
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Three (3)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
We need greater resources to find people in remote areas, and give them support.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
Internet advertising, and communicating with others, and a bit of researching.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: None. Such power leads to politically powered corruption. b. Eradicated Resource: Not a fan of censorship. c. Severe Admonishment: - d. Torture & Burning: -
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True b. True
Response 040
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
Largely pretentious and, outside of the U.S., disorganized.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Pretentiousness and Elitism
b. No effort to effectively distance ourselves from fictional characters.
c. Lack of organization here in Canada.
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Four (4)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
There need to be more options available for networking over the internet. IE. Contact info, webrings. Preferably outside of the U.S..
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
Some graphic design skills, willingness to participate, and organize, research skills, etc.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: See b. Eradicated Resource: This c. Severe Admonishment: Is d. Torture & Burning: The Problem
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 041
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
Too much like a sorority as it seems everyone has to try and fit in a place. Often those who has beliefs about Vampyrism that doesn't fit the mold they are branded and as usual the rumors are too many...
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Religion/Spirituality is not the same as cult!
b. Too many of the same type of houses (not local either) that believe exactly the same thing. Too many want to be chiefs and not enough Indians.
c. Not enough free speakers/thinkers; everyone sucks up to often to be considered ok in the community.
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Four (4)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
We need more Vampire musicians/artists ect assisting others.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I am an Artist of Sound & Music as well as a Vampirologist, Theologian, and Minister.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: I hated the inquisition. b. Eradicated Resource: I only believe on voting on such things (Diplomacy). c. Severe Admonishment: Only Rapists should be Castrated. d. Torture & Burning: I am not a judge, jury, or executioner.
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True b. False
Response 042
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
Severely lacking in all aspects. (Especially support).
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Lack of real people/Mentoring programs for initiates!!! We want to fully embrace who we are, and lead our lifestyle to its full potential. WE NEED TO PASS ON THE PROPER KNOWLEDGE TO THE NEXT GENERATION! I am not fully awakened...where are those looking to teach and mentor?! We all need guides and real experience. We can practice, but Having one who knows and has lived this way in ones life is Best!!
b. Lack of events/social interactions/classes. LOCAL.
c. -
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Three (3)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
I am openly looking for a Mentor. To live my life to my full potential. I am not fully awakened. I would like a concrete guide on my journey. (Local and able). The knowledge of our past and our culture and the proper ways need to shared with the next generation, or lost. Procuring a Mentor is not for pleasure sake, but necessity. We have a need, we are gifted. We cannot let ourselves fall into disarray because of lack of know-how in being our full selves, in using powers we inherently possess. (Energy work/healing/psyche). (In regards to #8, I cannot be concerned about politics when I am only a solitary initiate here. Politics are the least of my concern. I respect my elders but will not have them lording over me. And as far as ethics go, there is a basic form, true, but Ethics themselves are perceived differently by each person. I would follow what I am comfortable with following, but must still be true to myself! Your last question seems to be, like, multiple choice, with only two options. This isn't a black and white world. If you're asking if I'm here in pursuit of duty, or pleasure-its both. BALANCE. I need to have my needs met, that's why their called needs! And I need to socialize to find my people! I can't be involved in my community without socializing and getting involved first! I have NO appointed role, I simply AM...and I do not like bickering, or drama)
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I am not an expert. And my skills vary dependant on tasks set before me. Apologies. Everything is relative-I wish this question was more specific. I have used everything I am and have at my disposal to help others and my earth. Growing up, I volunteered A LOT at RiverSide Rest Home. And the old Seymour Osman community center. I spent a lot of my free time involved in my community from a very young age. I was a member of City Years Young Heroes and I got President Bush's award for exceeding 100 hours of community service in Middle school. Food banks, helping children with homework (and after school minor sports), cleaning community, raising money, serving food for events, monitoring/organizing school events and local community events from within the Seymour Osman Community Center. Community service lessoned after high school. I've been working my whole life.. and supporting myself for as long as I can remember.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: The ones with the most knowledge, and humility. With a desire to serve and strive for a better community. Not power hungry or maniacal or seeking to control others... free spirited, with a hunger for knowledge and community fulfillment. b. Eradicated Resource: ?? Freedom of speech and expression entitles us to post what we desire. It’s not my right to wish any gone. It’s the attitude of certain peoples that I would like to see changed. but for all my desire, they are themselves and their lives are their own. I would like to see any hate or mis-information eradicated. c. Severe Admonishment: For humors sake? Christians... any religion or religious dogma that seeks to control and judge rather than educate, love and liberate. d. Torture & Burning: No one should have ever been tortured or burnt alive. I can understand such acts when actively in war... but not for ways of life and personal beliefs. If someone was harming my own, then appropriate action should be taken by those organized with goal. Torture is only really effective if it serves a purpose, to gain information to prevent greater harm, or if both partners mutually consent and its done in a BDSM context.
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 043
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
The (online) community has fragmented virtually and become a playground on social networks (facecrack), moving away from the safer venues of communication (e.g. forums). Can't judge the offline community.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Facebook / publicity
b. Privacy issues due to the NSA and assorted data gathering clubs - a focus on higher privacy and better security would be needed, but the general lack of knowledge/attention given to these matters is horrifying.
c. Lack of discussion outside of social networking sites.
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Three (3)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
Networking IRL
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
Uhm... history, mythology, dealing with blood issues, blood feeding techniques?
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: Me, myself and the beast within. Plus my trusty sidekicks, which I'd choose randomly from the available minions. b. Eradicated Resource: Nothing! More misdirection would be amusing, though. c. Severe Admonishment: Psivamps. You can't see them coming! :) d. Torture & Burning: *Removed Due To The Sensitivities & Concerns Of Named Parties
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 044
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
Maintaining status quo but have to keep status a secret.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Not enough communication between members.
b. List of donors hard to find or not available.
c. Lack of communication about what vampyre leadership is doing.
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Three (3)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
List of active donors in my area and how to reach them.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
Investigative skills, also be a strong support structure for those in need of someone to talk to.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: Father Sebastiaan b. Eradicated Resource: Ordo Strigoi Vii c. Severe Admonishment: - d. Torture & Burning: *Removed Due To The Sensitivities & Concerns Of Named Parties
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True b. False
Response 045
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
Amazing and I am deep into the life and world.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Why do I feel so out of place in the regular world when I feel so right in this one?
b. Can someone be more then one specific race in our community?
c. Where can I find my teacher and my home were I feel needed welcomed and wanted I am eager to understand who and what I am?
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Five (5)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
Help me find my place in the community teach me to control my feelings help me grow and learn and be apart of this world were I strongly feel I belong to find a mentor would be great but to find my knowledge would be even greater but I believe I can do both with a teacher or teachers I’m willing and read to learn where it is I belong.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
Anything I have learned I’m happy to share.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: I am uncertain only because I and we ALL still learning some have more knowledge then others but I would say none we should all be on equal terms and willing to teach and share what we know for the good of who and what we are there is no right or wrong answer because to choose would cause chaos amongst everyone and all the race that are here and there it should be perhaps voted on and the unity of the community should all be involved this is our future we all has some of it in our hands.. b. Eradicated Resource: I can not answer that for I do not know I am still learning in truth. c. Severe Admonishment: Those who seek to do us harm only. d. Torture & Burning: None, no one should burn for something they do not understand they must be taught not destroyed.
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True b. False
Response 046
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
The community is in much progress.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Lack of communication.
b. A more detailed description of the community.
c. There needs to be more communication between vampires in the community.
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Four (4)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
To exchange more ideas and meet more people within the community that are like minded.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
Skills and expertise in magick and spirituality.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: Some of the trustworthy and elder people of groups. b. Eradicated Resource: Anything disregarding real vampirism. c. Severe Admonishment: Ones that don't promote anything in a positive manner. d. Torture & Burning: None aha...
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True b. False
Response 047
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
I remain only loosely associated with the online community I frequent. I find myself questioning the validity of younger members and even some of the older ones. Not wanting to be a negative influence on their search for answers, it's easier to be absent from the scene when I am not feeling pleasant and agreeable.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. In my own community, the lack of predetermined topics as guides for conversation leaves the floor open to digressing into people's problems and it becomes therapy instead of support group.
b. Young sanguine vampires "looking forward to their first feeding" like it's some kind of right of passage into our "club" or something.
c. Just because you like to lick blood doesn't mean you are a vampire.
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Three (3)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
I would like to see more fun activities and specific discussions when I meet up with my virtual community, not just sitting around in each others virtual company waiting for something to spark up interesting conversation. Why can't we get together and have fun as well as provide information and support? Right now, the only persons I really known in my group are the two "leaders" and while I've tried to initiate topics of discussion in the past, they seem to prefer the less active, sit around and wait for conversation to happen format. I find it very boring and pointless to make time for, despite it being the only group I feel comfortable coming to because I know the leaders.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I'm a Writer. I also do some graphics and website design. While I understand very clearly the different between real vampires and the Roleplay, I do enjoy the roleplay and am an Admin/Storyteller for two different Roleplays involving traditional fictional vampires.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: PsyVamps, or any with Empathic abilities. We can be adept at discovering lies. b. Eradicated Resource: I don't know of any I feel that way about. c. Severe Admonishment: Haven of Kindred Spirits. I don't know their current status, but in the past they showed a severe lack of tolerance for younger members, even driving or kicking members under 30 years of age out of their organization. d. Torture & Burning: I don't know of any I feel that way about.
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 048
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
Increasingly political. As ranks close, those marginalized are fleeing the community.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Dogma promoted over research and discussion.
b. Inefficient adaptation to social media, and subsequent declining resources.
c. Disorganization of essential social functions.
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Three (3)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
Well... I'm trying to build some of those for the community.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I am one of relatively few who is actively researching the metaphysical aspects of real vampirism, and publishing what I find. I've been able to help a number of vampires with issues of that type.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: - b. Eradicated Resource: c. Severe Admonishment: RK Coon and his entourage d. Torture & Burning: -
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 049
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
As silly as it's always been . . . maybe a little sillier.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Education
b. -
c. -
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Two (2)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
Doesn't matter . . . no one listens to me anyway, LOL!!
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: Etu Malku b. Eradicated Resource: - c. Severe Admonishment: - d. Torture & Burning: *Removed Due To The Sensitivities & Concerns Of Named Parties
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. - b. -
Response 050
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
A year of changes & losses. Ending of a House. Death of friend. VC affected by poor economic climate. Poor health. Positives balance by new relationships & friendships. A chance for new beginnings.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Significant health problems, specific to Vampyre.
b. Increase of prejudice against Vampyres.
c. Economic climate.
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Four (4)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
Research into the specific physical & mental health problems of the Vampyre. From such as pregnancy problems to that of increasing health problems as age & emotional distress.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
Empath. Tarot reader. Reiki practitioner. Mental health professional. counselor. Wise Oracle. Social law skills.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: UN. Or Catholic Church - got previous form. b. Eradicated Resource: Anything with pictures of cats. c. Severe Admonishment: Energy Utilities. Or The Tories. d. Torture & Burning: *Removed Due To The Sensitivities & Concerns Of Named Parties
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True b. True
Response 051
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
It's a way for me to contact other vampires in order to learn more about my vampirism. It's a darker part of myself that I want to learn more about and incorporate more into my life.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. -
b. -
c. -
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Three (3)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
It can help me by connecting me to others like me. But I have a particular fear of contacting others like me; there are just some people who see vampirism too romantically. I want to meet REAL vampires, not the roleplaying and fantasy kind.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I've been told I'm relatively relate-able and see things quite differently. I'm also good at finding interesting and new information, and then using it to help others.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: Vampires, especially the elders. Witches need to have a say as well, because of their desires to maintain the balance in the universe. Leaders from various religions ought to be amongst them, because religion does play a role in maintaining order. b. Eradicated Resource: Twilight and anything related to it; it should never have existed. c. Severe Admonishment: People who trash the community and seek out vampires to make their lives miserable. d. Torture & Burning: *Removed Due To The Sensitivities & Concerns Of Named Parties
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True & False b. True
Response 052
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
Stagnant. It has not had any significant change other than increased media coverage for the past few years.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Status quo "this is what we are and how it has always been done" It leads to the stagnant quality.
b. Metaphysics vs. research. Yes, there is some metaphysics research but the vast majority tend toward a blasé attitude about why we are as we are.
c. Lumping. Trying to bring everyone under the term "vampire" and then trying to make it fit everyone. It doesn't and it won't. We can't keep defining everyone else. As frustrating as it is, we have to realize there are other views and they will not all fit under the one umbrella.
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Three (3)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
Unfortunately the majority of my needs are non-vampire related. The community can't really help me with that. I am rural, so social interaction, though desirable, is unlikely. I need research data points. I need bloodwork results. Some networking on that side of things would be nice.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I have medical knowledge and a critical mind. I can see both sides of a coin, often, so I am able to approach problems either personal or technical, from many angles.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: AVA/Merticus b. Eradicated Resource: Any of the largely discredited sites. c. Severe Admonishment: Any of those who claim to be the basis for Anne Rice's books. I think I have heard from at least 5 Lestats now. d. Torture & Burning: None. Bit harsh when a simple flogging would do.
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 053
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
Seems to be heading in a good direction, with more and bigger projects.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Splits/bias in the community on types of vampirism.
b. Lack of funding.
c. Bad representations in popular media.
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Four (4)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
I really just want good, clear information, an easy and open place to discuss various issues on the subject, and others to relate to.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I've run several of my own forums before and wouldn't mind being a moderator.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: Merticus and/or AVA (or NOVA..) b. Eradicated Resource: Poser sites, but I don't know of any by name. c. Severe Admonishment: No idea d. Torture & Burning: I don't know, but don't you mean 'staked through the heart'? :P
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 054
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
It is currently ripe with stress and no clear direction and consensus on many topics.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Information is house specific and not generalized. We are often criminalized by main stream media because of the many differing views.
b. What the community agrees upon is seldom the same between different regions.
c. Many vamps in the communities only recognize sanguines and not those who have multiple feeding sources as even being other vamps.
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Three (3)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
I am working on my own economic recovery, what I need is to have the shoulders of my "brothers and sisters" to lean on when my feeding is off my normals. Stress kills us all, but increased stressors do not help as they block feeding properly.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
Some of the best resources and connections locally, but trying to currently manage running a house with several Kin on a very strict budget.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: ShadowLore b. Eradicated Resource: Vampire Church "laws" c. Severe Admonishment: The males of the species d. Torture & Burning: *Removed Due To The Sensitivities & Concerns Of Named Parties
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 055
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
I feel that the traditional OVC as I knew it in the 90's and early 2000's is dead and/or dying. I don’t know how sustainable the move to social media is with the push to remove anonymity.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Every subgroup have a vocal population that looks down on the other subgroups.
b. There are very few real world meetups and very few reasonable offline groups.
c. For good reason there is little trust to newcomers especially with in person meetings which is causing sever shrinkage in active members.
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Two (2)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
Working to actively maintain donor or animal blood sources. A community built list of farms and/or butcher shops that sell animal blood would be a good start. has been mostly dead for as long as I can remember and a push for an active site such as that would be helpful.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I have found that coping mechanisms learned in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy help when my cravings get bad. I would be willing to help teach them to others.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: None b. Eradicated Resource: Anything that gives too much of a RPG feel. I have not used many website resources in years. c. Severe Admonishment: Almost anyone who has went on TV willingly and used the community solely for profit. d. Torture & Burning: *Removed Due To The Sensitivities & Concerns Of Named Parties
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 056
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
It's hard to find and not very good for teens.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Better things for teens.
b. More community.
c. Better ways to find vampires.
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
One (1)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
I would like help finding people my age.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I really don't have much internet experience but I can baby sit.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: No idea b. Eradicated Resource: No idea c. Severe Admonishment: No idea d. Torture & Burning: *Removed Due To The Sensitivities & Concerns Of Named Parties
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 057
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
I see the vampire community is larger than I ever imagined. The ones I've met are working every day jobs & using eBay by selling their spirited items to get donors.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Need more voluntary donors, especially in winter.
b. -
c. -
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Two (2)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
A need to know when a lie is being told to me. A need to know was my father a vampire. A need to be able to teleport.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
Casting white magic spells.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: Politicians b. Eradicated Resource: Facebook c. Severe Admonishment: Law enforcement d. Torture & Burning: All those opposed to vampirism.
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True b. True
Response 058
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
Led by a few very active members, but feels dead due to so many apathetic/non-active members. Inspires apathy in me.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Too many role players. Especially on the pages and can't call them out because then everyone gets up in arms. Kinda full of dicks.
b. Everyone is so spread out, no known vampires or donors anywhere near me.
c. Media. Some of the vampires that go on look like quacks, some are quacks, and a few get good media, but they're overshadowed by all the quackery...
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Four (4)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
I would really REALLY like to start weeding out the role players and non-vampires. Too many people think they can assume the "identity" online because the internet is for being someone other then yourself. I feel like we're less likely to get taken seriously and the more real vampires are driven away by all the role playing (and personal attacks, there's way too many people being dicks on the boards, treating people like absolute crap) Otherwise, all my needs vampire wise (donors) are my problems, I can't expect you guys to help with that haha
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
Knowledge, research, and teaching skills (college student planning to be a college professor) so any vampire related information that's available I tend to soak up and I love teaching others. Public speaking and speeches. If there's ever a need for educating the public or just newly awakened or awakening vampires. I'm pretty decent at organizing meetings and safe blood practices (something we need to make sure people practice) so I'd love to help out at a meeting, gathering, convention or anything going on (provided I can get to wherever it's being held haha)
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: Merticus, Sanguinarius b. Eradicated Resource: Not sure, stopped looking those us. c. Severe Admonishment: Just look at the people on Facebook d. Torture & Burning: *Removed Due To The Sensitivities & Concerns Of Named Parties
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True b. False
Response 059
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
Not as public as it should be, venues should be arranged for "feeding areas."
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Community centers are not established.
b. Leaders have not made themselves available for public communication beyond the internet.
c. Feeding opportunities are not as easy to find as it should be.
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Four (4)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
As stated before a local community meeting point should be established for ease of feeding.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I may not yet have skills required to assist the community as I am quite young but I'm willing to learn.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: Researchers b. Eradicated Resource: Websites that are controversial against the truth about vampi(y)res, etc. c. Severe Admonishment: Researchers d. Torture & Burning: None of the community.
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True b. True
Response 060
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
I like the community teach how deal the energy and it show how talking to learn from them. I what ask person the walk how the wakening feel and show with path will help in that wakening there group help how deal the intake and I like see more.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Need information
b. Help people who have questions
c. I believed show waken people and talking more help understanding them self.
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Five (5)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
I need help to learn how to control my energy and takes and not hurt the co worker by taking their energy. I am very sad when I am I feel emotions I just want to block it out sometimes. I need to prove myself more than the feeding habits around me.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I do Tara reading it Andrew Stone caseing to read fortunes for people and also challenge with a crystal ball also help people find if I sometimes.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: Anyone has a strong leadership. b. Eradicated Resource: I believe the Signing Time enlightenment form medical environment around ass. c. Severe Admonishment: None d. Torture & Burning: No one
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True b. True
Response 061
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
I wish there'd be more activities in other parts of the world, to bring the community more together. Now you'll find small groups, if you're lucky, and I feel vampires are in need of company.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. No consistency of information about vampirism around the internet, which leads to a great amount of misconceptions.
b. -
c. -
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Two (2)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
Keep everyone tuned by e-mailing all events or changes that are coming up. This should be easy to reach by just signing up for the e-mail. The messages should be easily accessible for everyone.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I've got a great range of methods available for a comfortable way of drinking blood and getting people to donate for you in a respectful way.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: These questions are ridiculous. b. Eradicated Resource: - c. Severe Admonishment: - d. Torture & Burning: No one should be punished for whoever they wish to be. As a community where respect has such a great importance, this question makes me sick.
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 062
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
There is too much arguing within our community.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Ignorance about us by society.
b. You don't have to be a sang to be considered a vampire.
c. Lack of sang donors for those of us who need sang energy.
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Five (5)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
Dealing with aging as a vampire has increased my need for energy; but not my sources.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
Teaching others how to energize their chakras and how to send energy. I am also into candle magic for healing purposes and can teach others this ability.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: A government made up of vampires. b. Eradicated Resource: Hollywood should stop making ridiculous movies about us. c. Severe Admonishment: Hate groups. d. Torture & Burning: None
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True b. True
Response 063
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
The community is a struggling shadow of it's former self being mired in politics and undermined by internal dissent.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. No set of standardized societal norms.
b. A general lack of internal structure.
c. Fragmentation of any sense of unity due to exclusive groups being formed.
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Two (2)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
I am rather comfortable with my intrinsic nature and feel that at this time, assistance is not needed.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
The only way I feel that I can assist others is to offer my advice based on my experience so that they hopefully do not repeat the mistakes that I made.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: The VVC b. Eradicated Resource: c. Severe Admonishment: Father Sebastiaan d. Torture & Burning: *Removed Due To The Sensitivities & Concerns Of Named Parties
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True b. True
Response 064
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. No fixed sight of objective, forget goals.
b. Wrong priorities.
c. Irregularity at project helm.
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Three (3)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
I am irregular at long distance feeding, my mind diverts away to the large herds of energy rather than staying on that one particular source, I meditated on this, it is a decision of consideration, keeping the source healthy for next feeding, the amount of energy I take in is quite large to take from one source, my subconscious is aware of this and hence the distraction, but I find this as also a reflection of my lack of awareness and hence control, over of my mind.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I am a voracious feeder, given the lack of some sources I found solutions to feed from other, previously attempted sources of not unthought of... my forte is, not restricted to my vampire self, finding a strong solution for any problem I see or am met out with...I find a way... always...
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: An elected group, comprising of an odd number of members all chosen on the merit of their intellect. b. Eradicated Resource: None, but if possible severe and sincere monitoring of Google’s foulplay on the internet c. Severe Admonishment: None d. Torture & Burning: None
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. False
Response 065
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
Primarily poseurs which makes it very difficult for genuine vampires to be taken seriously.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Media attention makes all look bad.
b. Lack of educational materials.
c. -
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Four (4)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
Skilled writer and editor; can aid in putting out information/flyers/etc.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: - b. Eradicated Resource: - c. Severe Admonishment: - d. Torture & Burning: -
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. False
Response 066
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
Screwed - too much elitism from physical/genetic vampires.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Damian Nightwalker
b. That werewolf cretin mix something.
c. -
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Three (3)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
None required
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
None offered
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: - b. Eradicated Resource: c. Severe Admonishment: Genetic/physical vampires d. Torture & Burning: *Removed Due To The Sensitivities & Concerns Of Named Parties
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. False
Response 067
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
Great for those who are into the aesthetic lifestyle of vampirism. Holds very little for those looking for medical research and health based rather then faith/metaphysical based advice.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Focus on media appearances and entertainment.
b. Little acknowledgement of physical based Vampirism.
c. Event promoters have overrun the community.
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Three (3)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
I would like more definitive answers to why we are the way we are and what exactly it is we need to maintain our health. More then speculation and uneducated hypothesis created by high school philosophers.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I am an excellent counselor and help many in the community with their daily struggles both within the community and outside the community in their day to day lives.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: Cynsanity b. Eradicated Resource: Any site that promotes v5 as something real and not just from the movies. c. Severe Admonishment: Anyone going to the media. d. Torture & Burning: *Removed Due To The Sensitivities & Concerns Of Named Parties
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 068
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
The community is not as strong as it used to be - far too much bullying when we should support each other.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Bullying especially via the Internet forums.
b. Lack of support for one another.
c. -
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Two (2)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: - b. Eradicated Resource: - c. Severe Admonishment: - d. Torture & Burning: -
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. - b. -
Response 069
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
So many poseurs and it turned into the crusade against us by the society who calls us the cult.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. We have people posing as us.
b. We need to educate people more instead of misinforming them.
c. We need self advocates for the vampire community.
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Four (4)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
Find out where the resources are for real vampires like me in St. Louis because I wasn't feeling like I was supported enough. And spread the idea that everyone could be a vampire as long as they have the ability to control it.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
Advocacy, Research
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: The advocates. b. Eradicated Resource: Those dealing with the misinformation of vampirism aka "antivampire" or "vampire fandom" sites that has nothing to do with the vampire community unless it is the fictitious movie, book, or game. c. Severe Admonishment: Misinformation groups about Vampirism, whether it may be law enforcement, medical community, or people who are misinformed how cool it is. d. Torture & Burning: *Removed Due To The Sensitivities & Concerns Of Named Parties
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 070
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
I feel that there is much distrust as well as those wanting to have titled ad do none of the work to help and enrich the community.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. 'Holier than thou' attitudes.
b. Safety of Havens, Groups, and overall Communities. This also goes for vampire support/suicide awareness.
c. Loss of heritage and traditions.
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Three (3)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
Looking for others who feel an emotional tie to various past lives, etc in the vampire community. Religious, and not.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
Empathy, council, comfort, tarot card reading, healing arts.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: - b. Eradicated Resource: - c. Severe Admonishment: - d. Torture & Burning: -
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True b. True
Response 071
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
It's great in closed groups, but full of annoying turmoil in open forums. Still too many folks claiming to be more real than everyone else in the community. It's old and boring.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Pissing contests regarding who's more "real."
b. Lake of acceptance/unity (see #1).
c. Wack-a-doodles (i.e., those claiming to be immortals, those claiming vampirism as a cause for harming self or others).
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Three (3)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
Networking. I want to establish professional business networking relationships with creative people across a broad range of creative and IT venues.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I'm a degreed and experienced writer with training in creative writing, business writing, grand writing, technical writing, resume and marketing copy writing, and EDITING.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: No opinion. b. Eradicated Resource: No opinion. c. Severe Admonishment: No opinion. d. Torture & Burning: No opinion.
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. False
Response 072
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
I see the state of the Vampire Community as a whole subculture in our society. One that is for the most part misunderstood in my opinion.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. The way in which it is difficult to connect with others such as ourselves.
b. The myths about our culture that I know some of us work hard to correct.
c. Being we are so diverse, more detailed information on each genre.
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Four (4)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
I have been searching for a mentor of sorts in our community. Not a partner as I already have one but someone to offer guidance.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I am skilled in research as I have done investigative work. I am also able to communicate with just about anyone as I am extremely personable.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: Vampire Community News b. Eradicated Resource: Any RPG Vampire game c. Severe Admonishment: Any Vampire Social Network ( d. Torture & Burning: *Removed Due To The Sensitivities & Concerns Of Named Parties
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 073
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
I feel the Vampire community is in a major Transition. The state of the Vampire Community seems to be one of balance, at this time.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. I feel ALL the Vampires, Otherkin, etc should be treated respectfully and the pointing fingers, assumptions, and such should end.
b. Hate, and animosity between Vampires and Otherkin needs to stop.
c. -
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Three (3)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
I have none at this time, thank you.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I am an Intuitive, and very adept at counseling and advising, if any need be.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: - b. Eradicated Resource: - c. Severe Admonishment: ANY who would endanger our kind! d. Torture & Burning: None...
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True b. False
Response 074
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
The community is fractured, and though this is for the best there is a lot of "political" conflict occurring below the surface.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Conflict between local and national organizations, with the larger organizations being disrespectful of local styles and traditions.
b. Providing serious guidance to more serious community members regarding magical and energist practices.
c. Focusing on the spectacle of the shows and parties overshadows the fact that the community is made up of individuals.
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Two (2)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
More chances to practice, develop and use energist and magical abilities, provided by serious and established practitioners. Some form of organization when it comes to providing instruction in these areas would be helpful to many people.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
Basic understanding of ancient magical practices and some limited experiential knowledge.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: The magicians and the vampires with known, demonstrated and proven abilities. b. Eradicated Resource: All websites that profess to be able to educate people on their sites. c. Severe Admonishment: Otherkin d. Torture & Burning: *Removed Due To The Sensitivities & Concerns Of Named Parties
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True b. False
Response 075
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
The vampire community seems to be spread out and hard to be a part of.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Good information about vampirism is hard to find.
b. -
c. -
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Two (2)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
I'd like to know how I can become more involved in the vampire community. Would be nice to be able to have vampires I can connect with in my area. There seems to be very little vampire community activity in my province.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: - b. Eradicated Resource: - c. Severe Admonishment: - d. Torture & Burning: -
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 076
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
Under Pressure/Opening Up
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Splintered
b. Fight against the Movie Vampire
c. -
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Five (5)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I tend to point those who find out for the first time the right areas. For the rest..
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: - b. Eradicated Resource: - c. Severe Admonishment: - d. Torture & Burning: -
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 077
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
The vampire community is good, but the content should be shared only with the Real Vampires.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Discussions between Vampires & people who are not.
b. World wide ignorance about the meaning of the types of vampires existing.
c. Wanna be Vampires inside the community.
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Four (4)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I could say: The power of word, advices about life.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: - b. Eradicated Resource: - c. Severe Admonishment: - d. Torture & Burning: *Removed Due To The Sensitivities & Concerns Of Named Parties
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True b. True
Response 078
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
Not enough understanding of each other's ways. No trust due to the amount of "wanna be's".
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. No one is the same there is not only one kind of vampire.
b. There's is more than one way to feed and what's ok for u may not be for someone else.
c. We are not all dark and depressive it's OK to wear what u want!
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Three (3)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: - b. Eradicated Resource: - c. Severe Admonishment: - d. Torture & Burning: -
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 079
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
I see the vampire community, as a whole, a subculture. I believe that there is one belief in particular that actually has less of just a "lifestyle" belief and more of an actual ailment.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Roleplayers who associate themselves with the Vampire Community is only furthering the disbelief by the general public. How are we supposed to be mature when there are many who think they are hundreds of years old around?
b. There seems to be a lot of enabling going around. Just because someone wants to be a vampire, doesn't mean that they are. This can cause problems psychologically if we continue to enable.
c. The lack of maturity when someone who has different beliefs steps in is atrocious. It needs to stop.
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Three (3)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
By being mature.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I am very knowledgeable in the vampire belief of the retrovirus and I am open for emails with questions.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: The "retrovirus" belief members. b. Eradicated Resource: Anything relating to roleplaying, vampirism as a religion, or social media websites with the word "vampire" in them. c. Severe Admonishment: Steve Leighton, Michelle Belanger, Sanguinarius and anyone who isn't open about other beliefs. d. Torture & Burning: *Removed Due To The Sensitivities & Concerns Of Named Parties
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True b. True
Response 080
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
No medium territory. Separated / infighting.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Not getting along.
b. Certain aggressive people.
c. Can't enter into topics without fear of getting jumped on.
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Two (2)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
To learn more in all avenues. We can never stop learning.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: Merticus, Isealdor b. Eradicated Resource: / c. Severe Admonishment: - d. Torture & Burning: *Removed Due To The Sensitivities & Concerns Of Named Parties
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True b. False
Response 081
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
Half-stable, half-crumbling. A lot of misinformation, unfortunately.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. -
b. -
c. -
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Three (3)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: - b. Eradicated Resource: - c. Severe Admonishment: - d. Torture & Burning: -
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 082
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
Not sure.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. -
b. -
c. -
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
Sharp teeth, sexual tendencies and a willingness to drink blood.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: - b. Eradicated Resource: - c. Severe Admonishment: - d. Torture & Burning: -
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 083
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
In torpor, but slowly reawakening.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Posers
b. Egomaniacs
c. -
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Five (5)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
I am fortunate to live in the Portland area where the level if crazy and egocentrism is low.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: - b. Eradicated Resource: - c. Severe Admonishment: - d. Torture & Burning: -
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 084
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
To me the vampire community seems disjointed as it contains many small cliques and 'kingdoms' lorded over by self proclaimed 'kings and queens' rather than a community as a whole. If the community could network better, even in its current state, I think things would be far better.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Self proclaimed "Kingdoms" with self elected "Royalty".
b. Lack of major networking hubs.
c. Too much politics, not enough community outreach.
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Four (4)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
As I am personally in a small college town with several hours from major cities, the networking within smaller communities would be very helpful. For an example, while there is a Vampire Court in Austin, and there was previously one in Dallas, they had only minimal contact with smaller cities. If those larger established groups were more active in networking, I think it would be a vast improvement for the community as a whole.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
My own skill set revolves around psychology and writing, with a background in electronic communication. I would be more than happy to assist anyone I can if the chance presented itself.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: - b. Eradicated Resource: - c. Severe Admonishment: - d. Torture & Burning: -
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True b. False
Response 085
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
Some participating, too many lurking in the shadows.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Donor shortage.
b. Not enough participation.
c. A lot of bad press.
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Four (4)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
I would like to learn how to work with energy and feed well when blood isn’t available.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
Event management, I am a peace keeper and do well with public.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: - b. Eradicated Resource: - c. Severe Admonishment: - d. Torture & Burning: -
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. False
Response 086
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
The bonds are strong in the houses, there is too much hostility from and to other kind and new comers.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Donors
b. Trust
c. Sincerity
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Three (3)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: House Valur b. Eradicated Resource: - c. Severe Admonishment: None d. Torture & Burning: None
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 087
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
It is a fractured subculture that further isolates itself. It protects their emotions and behaviors by not allowing kindred souls enter their close knitted subculture.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Guarded groups that do not welcome fellow souls; isolating them further.
b. How to identify fellow souls?
c. -
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Three (3)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
By setting up small alcoves of masters to mentor the initiates.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
Emotional healing from damage done in the past. I absorb their damage energy and replace it with mine.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: No idea b. Eradicated Resource: Open meetings c. Severe Admonishment: Pedophiles (medical castration) d. Torture & Burning: No people
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 088
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
There are no vampires in my town or in Malta and not much people believe in them.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. -
b. -
c. -
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Three (3)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
I’m a blood donor but I can't donate blood if there are no vampires around to offer my blood.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: - b. Eradicated Resource: - c. Severe Admonishment: - d. Torture & Burning: -
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 089
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
The community died back in 2010 when everyone hopped on Facebook. Forums like VCMB and AVA are empty because no one cares anymore.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Elders who turn their backs when creepy old guys go after young women.
b. Too many groups for psychic vampires.
c. Not enough blood donors.
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Five (5)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
The vampire community can't assist me. I can only assist myself if I need anything.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I'm not willing to help because I've been stabbed in the back too many times.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: Probably Merticus or the VVC. b. Eradicated Resource: c. Severe Admonishment: I don't know probably everyone. d. Torture & Burning: *Removed Due To The Sensitivities & Concerns Of Named Parties
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 090
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
In some ways the community is being accepted a little more, but in other ways those who are not genuine still cause issues and divide the community at times.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Elitists those who think they are better than others.
b. Role players, fakes who spam.
c. Bullying
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Three (3)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
I don't really think that I need "help" but it would be nice to feel more like I belong. I have always been a bit on the outside so seeing more "come togetherness" would be nice.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
Hmm good question, I am empathic and can usually tell if someone is being genuine or not in a matter of minutes. So I guess that in a way helps me to weed out those who may authentically be looking for help, or who are trying to gain information to use against someone.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: Belfazaar and Merticus b. Eradicated Resource: c. Severe Admonishment: I don't pay that much attention lol d. Torture & Burning: *Removed Due To The Sensitivities & Concerns Of Named Parties
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True b. False
Response 091
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
I find it to be very interesting and probably full of intelligent people.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. I can’t find them where I live.
b. Hard to find on the computer to chat with.
c. No club listings close to where I live.
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Three (3)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
I would like to find them.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I’m eclectic and I have had a lot of spiritual experiences.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: - b. Eradicated Resource: - c. Severe Admonishment: - d. Torture & Burning: -
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True b. True
Response 092
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
I think a lot of us are still trying to hold on to old traditions which in my eyes is a good thing however I also feel that because we have been pushed back into the shadows especially since the massacre in 1800's, that people view us still as make believe and that gives a lot of humans room to taunt and make fun of and some to just deem themselves as dhampir or fullblood and make a bad name for all our kind. I also think that due to a lot still in hiding makes it hard for the newly awakened to seek refuge or to get any help because of the modern day way of thinking that such things don’t exist. Why must we hide our true identities sure we can tell people but they would not believe us some would even try awful things I wish we could flourish like we once did before the humans revolted in 1800's and nearly killed our kind off in Europe. And another thing I believe our culture should have more information on the bloodlines so halfbreeds like myself can trace it back to see who they came from.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Communication with others is not so easy.
b. I think there should be a clan in every state a place where our kind can go to feel safe or to just feel excepted.
c. -
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Two (2)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
I would love to have a donor for one and another I would love to get fangs from Father Sebastiaan my fangs did not come down far enough not like my daughters did lucky. I would also like to know how I can trace my bloodline back to where it started every time I try there is a gap. Also it is really hard to sift through all the bullshit to find real information and would love to know if there are any old or rare books on this topic because I’ve been looking for years and found maybe two and why can we not find much on Lilith or any of the ancients id love to learn about everything.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I can clot blood really fast lol. I can charm almost anybody into doing what I want and I can also read any emotion which helps so much in a lot of things. I could tell whenever a spirit is lurking somewhere and on occasion see them. All these traits have led to my survival, personally id rather use them for good not bad.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: I’m sorry I don’t understand these questions. b. Eradicated Resource: - c. Severe Admonishment: - d. Torture & Burning: -
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True b. True
Response 093
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
Very scattered but all in all we are all quite different in style, using vampyrism to make money is disturbing to me personally.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. People making money off vamps.
b. The often fake folks, lack of understanding of the fact we are from all walks of life not just silly club kiddies.
c. The issue of claims to "sire" people this really makes me crazy, you are what you are period.
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Four (4)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
I think we need more legal and medical help.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
Experience, a protective elder, the order I have been in since I was 14. I am now 52.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: Not sure really. b. Eradicated Resource: Anything spouting sireing. c. Severe Admonishment: Money hungry ones. d. Torture & Burning: *Removed Due To The Sensitivities & Concerns Of Named Parties
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True b. False
Response 094
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community: I currently am not heavily involved in the vampi(y)re community, I simply watch and try to learn. As for the state of the community, it seems stable but we like to bicker about what makes a real vampi(y)re. It would seem humans like to pose as us by saying they can do all the old myths.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. As mentioned above, humans try to pose as us and seem to think we can make them vampi(y)res. This is silly.
b. I have viewed that some vampi(y)res like to bicker back and forth about what a "real vampire can do". It should be put straight that, like humans, we all have different abilities and strengths. We are not all exactly alike.
c. -I have not currently viewed another-
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Two (2)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
I would just like to have more information available. I like to do research on our kind and it would seem that I cannot find much. It mostly consists of Vlad Dracula and that isn't much help. I would also like to see some papers or websites, anything really, on the true history of vampi(y)res. It would be very interesting to read and to learn about.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
Unfortunately I don't think I have any skills or expertise that could help anyone.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: The first people claiming to be Vampi(y)res. Obviously they were on to something. b. Eradicated Resource: I'm not really sure. c. Severe Admonishment: The two little girls that started the Salem Witch Trials. Since then, people have found it okay to be so harsh to other human beings based solely on what someone says. d. Torture & Burning: *Removed Due To The Sensitivities & Concerns Of Named Parties
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True b. True
Response 095
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community: The Vampire Community is lacking organization and unification and governing.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Governing
b. Education
c. Prosperity
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Three (3)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
I desire to know other vampires in my area and have fellowship with them. To meet up with them, to get to know each other, to talk and learn together. I would like an elder to give me leadership. Generally, overall in the community, I would like to feel more welcome, not ostracized for my lack of knowledge or knowing of other vampires. After all this, I would like to take an active leadership role eventually as our community grows and strengthens.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I do a lot of research, so I know a lot of stuff. Plus, I am an excellent writer. My grammar and spelling skills are far superior. I can also weave a great story. I would like an active role in building up our community to make it stronger.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: IDK elders of our community??? b. Eradicated Resource: Any websites pertaining to role playing, games, inaccurate information about us, etc. c. Severe Admonishment: Any role players, wannabees, those that give our community a bad name, trolls, flammers, those that slander us. d. Torture & Burning: *Removed Due To The Sensitivities & Concerns Of Named Parties
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True b. False
Response 096
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
Too many posers.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Posers
b. -
c. -
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
One (1)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: - b. Eradicated Resource: Almost all of them. c. Severe Admonishment: - d. Torture & Burning: -
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True b. False
Response 097
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
Peeing contest.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Community people who give the rest of us a bad name going on TV to do stupid reality TV shit (and THEN get surprised that they were taken advantage of, the morons).
b. Nightclub/bar drama is still the most important thing going on in the community (wtf, is this still high school?)
c. Founding shitty knockoffs of successful organizations to spite other community members or groups (because calling your group "inclusive" then shutting out people because you don't like them makes you look stupid).
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Four (4)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: N/A b. Eradicated Resource: N/A c. Severe Admonishment: N/A d. Torture & Burning: N/A
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. False
Response 098
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
The community is quietly and unobtrusively here for each other, yet not as social as I would like in my area.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Vampier than thou bullying.
b. Old vamps get too tired to lead the young, and even if we have the energy, the young so rarely listen, so good practices and knowledge have to be rediscovered again and again instead of passed on.
c. None of us likes to have anyone "above" us, so creating structure is difficult at best.
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Four (4)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
We need more donors to be open about themselves, and to write more papers and books and blogs so that we can understand them and their needs better.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I am a psychically sensitive tarot puller... I spend many free hours on the computer and am willing to do research and spread information as well.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: The VVC I suppose. b. Eradicated Resource: Those that are doing actual damage should be removed. Otherwise I don’t care. c. Severe Admonishment: Those that are doing actual damage should be removed. Otherwise I don’t care. d. Torture & Burning: *Removed Due To The Sensitivities & Concerns Of Named Parties
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 099
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
A place that used to be supportive of those needing help. There’s no hope the community will ever be what it once was.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Little support of people who are trying to help make a difference.
b. Mixed messages and promising you can turn someone into a vampire.
c. Disrespectful teenagers who think they know everything about vampirism.
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Three (3)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
Find me a group of vampires in Texas to hang out with who aren't cutters, druggies or think they're wolves.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I took this survey so I'm helping in whatever way I can. I know that's lame but really what else can I do?
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: Merticus b. Eradicated Resource: The Strigoi Vii, and Temple of the Vampire c. Severe Admonishment: Logan and Daley from the Vampire Court of Austin, Belfazaar Ashantison, Julia Caples, Lia Benninghoff, Aro Draven and other morons who go on TV! d. Torture & Burning: *Removed Due To The Sensitivities & Concerns Of Named Parties
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 100
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
The culture is going once more underground.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Truths of the law of exchange.
b. Truths of the purpose of diversity.
c. Hollywood’s views of changed the truths for the public.
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Two (2)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
I do not need assistance at this time yet one thing I was always told, if you want community sometimes you have to create it.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
Training in energy manipulation both giving and receiving, energy protection, and psychic vampirism.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: We are one and one are all.. truth. b. Eradicated Resource: None.. every voice should be heard. c. Severe Admonishment: None.. every voice should be heard. d. Torture & Burning: None
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. False
Response 101
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
I think the current efforts to bring the different groups and individuals together will prove fruitful.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. -
b. -
c. -
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Three (3)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
For me it is about understanding myself and why I am the way I am to use that to improve and bring out my natural talents some of which are latent.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I am a natural empath and am willing to use those abilities to aide and help others via calming or healing them.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: I would say Lilith (legendary mother/goddess), but honestly nobody at this time. b. Eradicated Resource: The real vampire website and its false info, but wait it did not exist then so none. c. Severe Admonishment: Father Sebastiaan and other charlatans out to make a buck on the community with out giving back. d. Torture & Burning: *Removed Due To The Sensitivities & Concerns Of Named Parties
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True b. False
Response 102
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
We are at a crucible within the community that will either make it or break it as a whole.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Open-mindedness
b. General mood
c. Openness with public
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Three (3)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
I believe that setting up a better donor system would be beneficial to not only myself, but many others.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I've been involved with the general community, in the background, for over seven years and have gained a unique perspective on it as such.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: N/A b. Eradicated Resource: N/A c. Severe Admonishment: N/A d. Torture & Burning: N/A
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True b. True
Response 103
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
It seems scattered and fragmented.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Not enough people in every community for planned socializing and learning.
b. Must travel to another state for group activities, workshops, fellowship.
c. Need a House in my town where I can be trained and learn what's acceptable.
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Four (4)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: NOVA b. Eradicated Resource: - c. Severe Admonishment: - d. Torture & Burning: *Removed Due To The Sensitivities & Concerns Of Named Parties
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 104
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
Vulgar, sexual sadist, classless beings that aren't very helpful at all to those of us who aren't strictly classified vampire.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. People use it as a means to hook up and have sex.
b. There aren’t many helpful people out there to guide those of us who are lost in our own devices.
c. It’s viewed as an excuse for swingers and group sex and its not at all dignified anymore, it has nothing to do with survival.
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker & Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
One (1)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
Look more into and have more info on demonic incarnate vampires.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
Metaphysical manipulation and guidance, spiritual enlightenment, demonic nature.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: None of the ones I have personally run into thus far. b. Eradicated Resource: - c. Severe Admonishment: Mircalla d. Torture & Burning: *Removed Due To The Sensitivities & Concerns Of Named Parties
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True b. False
Response 105
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
Currently there is a trend to want to become a vampire it seems to be. Which is not well taken by a true living vampyre.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. We as a community are losing a since of the old ways of being in the shadows.
b. We need to grow strength of togetherness with different havens.
c. The younger vampires need to better respect the Elders of the community and learn other subcultures so they may grow.
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Five (5)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: - b. Eradicated Resource: - c. Severe Admonishment: - d. Torture & Burning: -
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True b. False
Response 106
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
Very well developed in comparison to the last few years.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Much of the subculture is often misrepresented by role-players.
b. Very few active groups in certain parts of the country.
c. -
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Five (5)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
I would like more information on generalized abilities and more serious friends within the community.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: - b. Eradicated Resource: - c. Severe Admonishment: - d. Torture & Burning: -
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True b. False
Response 107
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
Overrated and people as really are so few of us at least in my country.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Misinformation about what is real vampirism in actuality.
b. The bad image and bad information provided today because of movies.
c. -
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Three (3)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
Help dispel any misinformation that makes people miss out on what is real vampirism.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
Could support in trying to deny what is believed about what is vampirism with what I know in my country.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: - b. Eradicated Resource: - c. Severe Admonishment: - d. Torture & Burning: -
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. - b. -
Response 108
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
Those who are actual vampires are hard to find to connect with, as there are too many fake websites, etc. that cater more to the perception people have of the vampire subculture, which is really more related to gothic and similar types of people who are not vampires, rather than the actual vampire community. I'm glad there are sites like VCMB and Sanguinarius’, or else I would definitely think I was crazy for thinking of myself as a vampire.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. More ways to connect with members of the community.
b. Online and offline meeting places in more regions.
c. Confusion on vampires and vampire-type subculture.
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Four (4)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
I would really like to have more options available to be able to meet community members in person, such as the database that exists, but with a way to contact people who are close to where you live (or anyone in the database). In addition to meeting up with community members, I would really like to learn more energy manipulation/feeding techniques, as I am primarily a psy-vampire and am trying to learn better feeding methods.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I'm fairly new to the community, so I'm not sure exactly how I could help, besides just lending support and sharing my experiences with people.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: Sanguinarius b. Eradicated Resource: (and other similar ones) c. Severe Admonishment: (and other similar ones) d. Torture & Burning: *Removed Due To The Sensitivities & Concerns Of Named Parties
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 109
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
Seasoned vampires have their houses and personal paths, whilst fledglings and seekers sift through the dross available until they find their home.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Many contemporary options for fledglings are fraught with low vibration bickering and pissing contests, leading seekers in to obsolete games of rapport, rather than illumination.
b. The nature of vampirism, drawing upon external entities in today's hectic consumer society, without proper training, can leave seekers ungrounded.
c. The cost of most vampiric initiatory orders is not always accessible, and a proper magickal college is not available at little to no cost, so far as I am aware.
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Three (3)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
More localized, non-denominational quorums, skill shares, and meetups would be a benefit to the community, which I would gladly participate in, so long as I am available.~.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I make antinomian music and cerebrally evocative body modification videos and photo prints, and would be glad to collaborate or present my artistic or magickal materials. I teach free, non denominational magick workshops locally once per month, and have extended heartfelt invitations to the local vampire community on multiple occasions.~.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: I do not believe that a consolidated ruling body would succeed. That said, I believe the most competent majour American group to be ToS. b. Eradicated Resource: None. A fledgling must show discernment in choosing zir path. Conversely, more materials should be made available semi-publicly to choose from. c. Severe Admonishment: Any group or individual who is not competent, tactful, and affluent enough to diplomatically and effectively present their opinions and garner rapport, or anyone who displays incompetence and a lack of emotional discipline or restraint in community affairs should be tactfully admonished by their elders. d. Torture & Burning: *Removed Due To The Sensitivities & Concerns Of Named Parties
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True b. False
Response 110
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
A mess. I can not reconcile the descriptions of these "sanguinarians" with vampires, and still I know that there are some like me among this group because they don't have the awareness or the courage to separate themselves and stand apart from those who play at being vampires or those who claim to feed on only energy, which to my mind are utterly distinct. I find so-called community leaders who interfere in the private lives of those they disagree with on an ethical basis and then these same leaders use tactics of mis-information, the selling of information critical to further understanding, and cyber stalking, which I find incredibly unethical. The "community" is a fractured mess.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Lack of actual study, exploring all possibilities, even outside science.
b. Lack of free transparency of information that IS available from past study as well as clear cut and deliberate misinformation from so-called "community leaders".
c. The inundation of blood-fetishists, fakes, teaspooners, sexual predators and deluded s&m roleplayers who make a mockery of those of true and serious need for blood. A clear striation should be delineated; we are NOT the same.
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
One (1)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
I'd like there to be a division that clearly subcategories and separates vampires from this pathetic homogeneous blanket term and get over the idea that everyone must be included. This has only served to water down the truth and it must stop.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I have the skill to note that question 8 is a pair of non-opposing questions and I'm not sure I'd choose either one. I serve myself and serving the "community" is a black hole of effort. If others want to play power games I will always be opposed to them but if they play power games to hold information out of reach, I'll fight them at every turn. Presently, that seems to be the case. Perhaps if anything, there is a skill. I want information freely available, all of it, so open minds can make their own assessments.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: How about me... b. Eradicated Resource: All websites that take a side and a have a moral agenda. VCMB is for the most part, for example, run by a group that is bogged down in ridged thinking. c. Severe Admonishment: Anyone who claims to some manner if leadership and castigated others via their own small powers. Sound familiar? d. Torture & Burning: *Removed Due To The Sensitivities & Concerns Of Named Parties
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 111
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
Not very friendly.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. No one talks to anyone.
b. No help.
c. No way to find answers.
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Three (3)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
Need help finding someone to feed on and feed from me.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I’m different.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: - b. Eradicated Resource: - c. Severe Admonishment: - d. Torture & Burning: No one
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 112
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
A cacophony of voices all talking out and few listening with a few that are silent and know what is going on.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Egotism
b. Hording of knowledge
c. Separatism
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
One (1)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
The overall availability of knowledge and knowledge sharing seems to be underdeveloped. Through experience, I have sought assistance as one new to the community and was met with sarcasm and disdain.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I have no defined skills or attributes; I can try assist wherever I can. I am adaptable.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: NOVA b. Eradicated Resource: Ordo Strigoi Vii c. Severe Admonishment: Temple of the Vampire d. Torture & Burning: -
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 113
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
The vampire community is the same as it’s always been and will be from now on no matter what anyone does..... dysfunctional.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Vampire courts, kings and queens.
b. Not enough sang donors.
c. People not working together.
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Four (4)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
I don’t think I need help with anything....
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I’m willing to be a blood donor if you need one near Denver, CO.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: Merticus because he’s the only one who doesn’t act like an ass. b. Eradicated Resource: Sanguinarius’ site needs updates c. Severe Admonishment: site and the vampire courts d. Torture & Burning: *Removed Due To The Sensitivities & Concerns Of Named Parties
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 114
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
It's stalled. And perhaps more cliquish than it was before.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. No one knows anyone as an individual. They are only concerned with your definition of a Vampire.
b. Too many people afraid to get together, meet face to face.
c. There are too many trying to appear like they run the show that they run off those of us with something meaningful to say.
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Five (5)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
I don't need anything that they can provide. I would love to get to know more Kin one on one but I won't hold my breath.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I'm approachable. I listen and give the best advice with the knowledge and experience I have and if I don't know I will ask for help.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: - b. Eradicated Resource: - c. Severe Admonishment: - d. Torture & Burning: -
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. - b. -
Response 115
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
In dire need of donors.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Matching donors
b. -
c. -
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Five (5)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
I'm a donor who wants to donate.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I have some computer skills, basic medical training.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: I don’t know. b. Eradicated Resource: I don’t know. c. Severe Admonishment: I don’t know. d. Torture & Burning: *Removed Due To The Sensitivities & Concerns Of Named Parties
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. False
Response 116
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
I find it an ever growing, advancing, changing population that has unfortunately been increasingly misrepresented by its growing media attention. It is so many subgroups from various backgrounds and beliefs it is losing some of its barriers separating it from lifestylers and roleplayers.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. In community fighting, blaming and defaming.
b. Misrepresentation to the media.
c. Stabilizing support systems for community and outreach efforts.
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Three (3)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
I do not require more than the networking of trusted persons within the vampire community.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I'm unsure, but willing to help in the manners I can and have available to me.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: Factual sites such as the VVC, AVA, or NOVA. b. Eradicated Resource: Roleplaying, lifestyler type sites, ranging from the "true blood" to the "vampire hunter" wanna-bes. c. Severe Admonishment: Those who are living by dangerous cultural standards and presenting themselves as representatives of the community. d. Torture & Burning: Laughable, none, as we are but a community, with its bads and goods.
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 117
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
Mediocre at best.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Union between others.
b. More info for new comers.
c. A better understanding of the different types.
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Three (3)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
We need a way to find others like ourselves within a broader way like through a directory that can be used to help one another.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
Only my own personal experience as a newly awakened tantric.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: - b. Eradicated Resource: - c. Severe Admonishment: - d. Torture & Burning: -
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 118
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
The Vampire Community seems rather inactive. Many of the forums I frequent have few visitors and my area has no current meetups.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Lack of community involvement.
b. Equating Goth with vampire, vice versa.
c. Greater focus on theatrics and less on real experience.
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Three (3)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: The AVA b. Eradicated Resource: - c. Severe Admonishment: - d. Torture & Burning: -
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 119
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
I see the VC/OVC as being purposely divided.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Sangs are being pushed out of the community.
b. Misinformation being perpetuated by faulty sites.
c. Attitude
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Three (3)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
Those like me NEED for people to stop trying to throw sangs under the bus every time they start a new "community". Hearing the term "outlaw" applied in several areas shows that people are no longer willing to even BOTHER to play nice.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
Healing (on multiple levels from nursing to herbal to magical) to protections (magical) to a few that won't be named here...
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: Merticus and Isealdor b. Eradicated Resource: *shrugs* c. Severe Admonishment: Any who purport that there way is the ONLY way... d. Torture & Burning: *Removed Due To The Sensitivities & Concerns Of Named Parties
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. False
Response 120
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
There needs to be a separation of those who view sanguinarianism as a medical condition and those who view vampirism spiritually.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. There should be as much emphasis as possible on researching sanguinarianism objectively.
b. The responsible use of animals is a practical alternative for extreme cases. This shouldn't be suppressed.
c. The difference between those who see the condition in a scientific and spiritual light is vast and trying to combine them injures credibility of the former group.
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Three (3)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
I need to drink blood in large quantities. One human cannot safely support my needs. I also have realized that I need to eat flesh to maintain a modicum of clear headedness and self control. I now have the tools to cope with both of these requirements but didn't always. I made a lot of mistakes and wish there had been a place that was truly safe to ask the questions I had.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I have been living with sanguinarianism for over a decade, actively feeding more often than not. I am also a butcher. If my advice is wanted, I will give it. I have a lot of experience drawing capillary blood with various instruments and a little experience with phlebotomy equipment which I continue to improve upon.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: Anyone who can down a quart and keep it down. b. Eradicated Resource: - c. Severe Admonishment: - d. Torture & Burning: *Removed Due To The Sensitivities & Concerns Of Named Parties
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 121
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
It seemed we were at one point on the verge of mundane social and pathway integration. Now it seems our community has gone back to sleep.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Seems we never resolved the great divide between the sangs and the pranics.
b. As far as therians go, I don't believe there is a primary or superior pathway. I hear a lot about how some progressive or alternate souls are better than others.
c. I think it’s wrong to charge others for the privilege to know about our kind or leave some out of the knowledge loop because they cannot pay for the right to know who and what we are.
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Two (2)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I have assisted 15 young vampyres in their awakening. Interviewed countless sangs and pranics in their personal challenges and written a small compendium of my observations. Spiritually in direct contact with our vampyric ancestors and the wisdom they bring to our modern lives.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: - b. Eradicated Resource: - c. Severe Admonishment: - d. Torture & Burning: -
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 122
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
Small community here, there isn't much of a Vampire subculture or society.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. I don't really know anyone else who is involved in my community because it's so small and I have no way on finding out.
b. -
c. -
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
One (1)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
I was invited to this site but I am just finding out what all this is about. So for now I am a passive lurker just checking things out.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I'm not sure what type of skills anyone is looking for, like I said I’m just checking things out right now.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: - b. Eradicated Resource: - c. Severe Admonishment: - d. Torture & Burning: -
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True & False b. False
Response 123
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
Associazione Lega Italiana Real Vampires
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. -
b. -
c. -
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Five (5)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
Più informazioni sul piano medico e ricerca. (More information on the medical and research.)
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
Collaboro attivamente con medici italiani per la ricerca sugli RV, sono attualmente presidente dell'Associazione Lega Italiana Real Vampires, curo da anni i rapporti con i " neo-risvegliati" aiutandoli nelle loro difficoltà ad accettarsi e ad inserirsi nella comunità italiana. (Actively collaborate with Italian doctors for research on RV, currently president of the Italian League are Real Vampires, I care for many years the relations with the "neo-awakened" by helping them in their difficulties to accept and integrate into the Italian community.)
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: - b. Eradicated Resource: Il gruppo italiano "tempio dei vampiri" su Facebook di Edge Rocker e Puella Perdita che sta creando un notevole danno alla comunità vampire italiana. (The Italian group "Temple of the Vampires" on Facebook Edge Rocker and Puella Perdita that is creating significant damage to the community vampire Italian.) c. Severe Admonishment: Il gruppo italiano "tempio dei vampiri" su Facebook di Edge Rocker e Puella Perdita (The Italian group "Temple of the Vampires" on Facebook Edge Rocker and Puella Perdita.) d. Torture & Burning: -
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True b. True
Response 124
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
Very hidden in certain states and difficult to get a hold of.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Hard to contact in the more conservative states.
b. Elders can be intimidating.
c. Too much pressure to join a house.
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Three (3)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
Find ways to get us passive lurkers more involved and feel like we belong.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
Talk about ways to deal with the Hunger cravings on your own without being dependent on donors.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: - b. Eradicated Resource: - c. Severe Admonishment: - d. Torture & Burning: -
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 125
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
Currently the community is growing but many of the online groups spread very false information. Also there are too many stories in the news that focus on vampirism in negative ways and few, if any, which focus on the good.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Curbing the misinformation of websites and groups which spread false information and a way to notify the viewers that the information is false.
b. There are too many negative stories about supposed vampires in the news. Perhaps forming a press community through the OVC which can find news worthy stories which will show the vampire community in a better light.
c. The vampire balls are nice but it would be great if there was an alternative form of gathering which does not involve belonging to a house and is affordable for those of us who can not afford to attend those balls.
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Four (4)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
None that I can think of at this time other than getting the general public to accept us without them thinking that vampirism is a mental disorder or that being a vampire means we are bad people.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
At this time my day jobs prohibit me from participating in the vampire community any more than I already have been. I currently run a website, chat room and forum and try to guide those seeking real information in the proper direction. Perhaps I will be able to take a more active role in the future.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: b. Eradicated Resource: c. Severe Admonishment: Real Vampires group on Facebook - d. Torture & Burning: *Removed Due To The Sensitivities & Concerns Of Named Parties
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True b. False
Response 126
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
I see the community as adapting to the changes in the world as well as changes in new younger generations. The sense of unity is still there with a heavier hand in teaching.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. There seems to be difficulty finding regular meeting places.
b. Misinformation about what and who we are collectively.
c. I don't like how certain groups are very elitist.
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Three (3)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
I would like to find a regular meetup group in my area to pass along to my Coven and students.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I am a Pagan High Priest and hybrid vampire. I would like to help find resources for those seeking information and give council to freshly awakened vampires.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: - b. Eradicated Resource: - c. Severe Admonishment: - d. Torture & Burning: -
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True & False b. False
Response 127
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
Out of Control Role Playing. Too many wanting to make a "name" instead of coming together.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Too much misinformation.
b. Too much role playing.
c. Lack of safe practices.
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Two (2)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
More safe practices; too help ones getting their children and jobs taken away for being a vampire or donor.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
Experienced sang donor; medical experience.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: - b. Eradicated Resource: - c. Severe Admonishment: Damian Nightwalker d. Torture & Burning: -
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. - b. -
Response 128
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
I think that as a community, we have gained more opportunities over the last few years in the way of finding others of like mind. We still have a ways to go in general acceptance but more valuable information is now available to people to understand what true vampirism is.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Possibly the connection between vampires and donors finding each other better.
b. Continued education of newly awakened vampires to avoid problems.
c. Continued education of the public.
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Four (4)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
At this moment, the only problem I personally have is finding a donor after losing my 23 year main donor. I've found it very hard to find someone who could help meet my energy needs.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I have been awakened 15 years and have spent a lot of time teaching others about vampirism. I am the founder of a Kherete style House. We do have an open forum on Facebook for House Noctura. I have practiced an eclectic spiritual pagan path and have many skills in helping others learn how to manipulate and manage energy. I also interact with spirits and have a great interest in the paranormal.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: Kheperu b. Eradicated Resource: c. Severe Admonishment: Temple of the Vampire d. Torture & Burning: *Removed Due To The Sensitivities & Concerns Of Named Parties
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True b. True
Response 129
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
A community that is growing out of the shadows but lacking the teaching and knowledge for our younger generation!
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. No teachers.
b. No guides.
c. More involvement in public functions.
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Three (3)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
Well at this point I have yet to find a vampire teacher or guide in my area no one seems to be around that I have found to help teach me or show me of the subculture/society/et all my knowledge that I know so far comes from the internet.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
Unless you consider Clairvoyance a skill that’s all I got.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: Those who are knowledgeable and experienced. b. Eradicated Resource: Any of a negative manner. c. Severe Admonishment: Those with closed minds and dark hearts. d. Torture & Burning: Not sure
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 130
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
There are a lot of people who, in society, are trying to wedge themselves into the scene in order to create drama. Other than that, I can't really say anything bad about the people who are there to learn and be themselves.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. There are people who wedge themselves in the scene to cause trouble for those involved, like undercover bigots who spew hate and make claims of people going to Hell for doing to the devil's work.... frankly it gets irritating.
b. Safe places to converse and learn, maybe even groups dedicated to those who are discovering what they are, be it online or in person.
c. Some of the existing online groups are pathetic and full of drama.
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Three (3)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
Where to find relevant texts, books, volumes or tomes on psychic/sanguine vampirism that have accurate information and are purchasable online or elsewhere.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I am able to absorb energy from swamps and places of water, the stars and moon and make use of the lingering energy in crowds and not be noticed.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: S/he that has the greatest political knowledge of that time that could and WILL put it to good use. b. Eradicated Resource: Non-legitimate sources of information that incite bigotry and ignorance of the lifestyle. c. Severe Admonishment: Those who would try to wage war on us for being who we are. d. Torture & Burning: *Removed Due To The Sensitivities & Concerns Of Named Parties
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True b. True
Response 131
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
The vampire community is a mass of individuals forming various groups that are loosely connected to each other via online interaction.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Treatment of donors as inferior beings.
b. Inability of certain people to communicate with other courteously, especially in on-line interactions.
c. Inability of certain people to understand that personal opinions on the cause of vampirism are not indisputable fact.
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Four (4)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
I would like to see the community sponsor medical investigation of vampirism as a preliminary step towards the acceptance of vampirism as a real condition in society.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I'm a good writer and editor with experience in the field of psychology and counseling.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: Merticus b. Eradicated Resource: c. Severe Admonishment: Father Sebastiaan d. Torture & Burning: *Removed Due To The Sensitivities & Concerns Of Named Parties
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 132
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community: I have been part of the community for some years now, some groups like NOVA has helped me a lot to understand who I really am, though there are always those who see it as a game, I sometimes try to help them understand yet you can't fix something that isn't broken, though I blame their ignorance in the same people that always hid the truth from them.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. -
b. -
c. -
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Four (4)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
I live in Puerto Rico, I know there are real vampyres in my island, yet most of the people here this vampirism is either a game or a religion and that the vampyre Goddess is Lillith, I would love some people of the vampyre community to come and expand the community to this island and help people understand what vampirism really is, I am only one guys, and it's a lot of job only for me to help people understand.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I personally am a good confident, people tend to trust me and when I talk about stuff I do try to talk with stuff that makes sense even no matter if it sounds like something out of a book. I tend to convince people, at least that’s what my friends say.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: New Orleans Vampire Association (NOVA) b. Eradicated Resource: - c. Severe Admonishment: - d. Torture & Burning: -
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True b. -
Response 133
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
The vampire subculture seems fragmented and chaotic, sometimes even hostile, especially to the newly awakened or questioning.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Hostility between groups or other vampires with differing views. I see a lot of intolerance and a preoccupation with who is "real" and who is not.
b. Predatory pseudo-leaders that take advantage of newbies. Fortunately most of these can be easily spotted.
c. Pretty much our problems mirror those in general society.
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Three (3)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
I have found the archive to be very valuable to me. It is great to have so much info in one place. More resources like this are needed
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I am a licensed psychologist and have considered going back into private practice (I currently work for an agency) so that I can work with and provide counseling for other vampires. I am only recently awakened and have spent most of my time until now dealing with my own process of awakening but I have been trying to learn as much as I can along the way. It is difficult to find others to really talk with. "vampire friendly" professionals are needed, especially in my field where most vampires would be mistakenly labeled as mentally ill.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: Although more structure and unity sounds like a great idea, be careful what you wish for. That type of centralized power is never a good thing. b. Eradicated Resource: None. Freedom of speech is a wonderful thing. c. Severe Admonishment: None of them. d. Torture & Burning: This is hard to resist...but everyone has a right to their opinion.
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 134
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
I can't tell if it's moving forward or backwards.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Energy vamps' resistance to sangs' interest in medical research.
b. People confusing the condition with a lifestyle. They are not the same.
c. Huge levels of pretentiousness and posturing, which is just business as usual.
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Three (3)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
The only thing I really need is enough solidarity to allow serious sang research. I doubt it will happen within the community, let alone in the outer community. Not much hope there.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I am a very clear communicator. I am open to ideas but have my feet firmly on the ground.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: Go to the source: Satan. b. Eradicated Resource: So many to choose from. c. Severe Admonishment: 90 percent of the VC? Dunno. d. Torture & Burning: *Removed Due To The Sensitivities & Concerns Of Named Parties
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 135
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
Disconnected but blooming. It is tough to find others, but it is changing.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Communication
b. Media awareness
c. Organization
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Four (4)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
I am a serious donor that simply cannot find sang vampires in my area.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I have a decent amount of experience with safe an efficient blood donation. I'd be willing to help new donors in my area.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: The Black Swan Haven. It's the one and only resourceful site for donors. b. Eradicated Resource: N/A c. Severe Admonishment: N/A d. Torture & Burning: *Removed Due To The Sensitivities & Concerns Of Named Parties
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. False
Response 136
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
Too many bullies and pretenders.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Many self appointed young people with no conception of the World before the Internet.
b. Too many fucken goofs with a desire for power over others. They aren't willing to respect others opinions.
c. Way too much time debating bullshit while real issues are ignored.
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
One (1)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
Real life encounters, instead of all these tough online vamps.. my knees are shaking.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
Decades of International service at the Federal level in Security Field Activities. Training Officer for bringing new recruits up to snuff and building self confidence.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: Fuck off -- too many would exploit the power for selfish ends. b. Eradicated Resource: Just get rid of the fucks who are disrupting the community. c. Severe Admonishment: Individual trouble makers and bullies. d. Torture & Burning: Are you fucken nuts!
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True b. True
Response 137
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
I see it on the decline so far. There are a few here or there, but not many that I see.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. The territorial nature.
b. Segregation from the "regular" community.
c. Not enough donors.
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Three (3)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
Ultimately, I feel that the majority of the culture is dying. Almost as if a fad has worn out. I blame twilight, but unless something new comes out that will drive views away from that insidious sparkle, vampires will be viewed as only a "gay" thing.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I have tons of skills, but I'm not sure what kind of skills are being asked about here. Any certain areas? Anything in general?
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: A combination of the eldest/most experienced from all sects. b. Eradicated Resource: If this is 500+ years ago, there was no web, and I'm not certain of any today that should be estranged. c. Severe Admonishment: None that I am aware of. d. Torture & Burning: *Removed Due To The Sensitivities & Concerns Of Named Parties
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 138
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
Has the community gone underground again or is it just a matter of me not being on Facebook?
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Vampires have gone underground and seemingly given up on gaining personal efficacy.
b. "Border Wars:" The fight over who is included in this community.
c. Where are our ambassadors to the non-vampiric world?
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Two (2)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
The only thing I can connect to my existence as a sanguinarian that can be improved on are more possible donors. There is the vampire donor database but being in a professional realm I really fear getting woodworked out of the coffin. I suppose I would like something more discrete in some way.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I really only feel comfortable mentoring sanguinarians one on one on ways to get by as a sanguinarian in terms of getting blood, seeing the doctor, reconciling it with other beliefs, and the like.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: I Know It’s Goofy Roleplay b. Eradicated Resource: However c. Severe Admonishment: Mao's Great Leap Forward d. Torture & Burning: Was Really One Giant Step Back
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 139
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
The vampire temple - I’m a hybrid to rv & ww.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Indifference
b. -
c. -
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Four (4)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
The information is most important but all People not read or Find more information by the internet.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: - b. Eradicated Resource: - c. Severe Admonishment: - d. Torture & Burning: -
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True b. True
Response 140
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
It is a joke. There is no community, and the few people that see themselves as the 'community' are more interested in role playing and back stabbing than building positive relations with other communities.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Role playing, 'wanna be's' classifying as True Kin.
b. Leaders of the community are more interested in building power base than looking for constructive solutions to every day problems.
c. Leaders permit back stabbing and lies about other communities to flourish behind the scenes. Instead of correcting and high lighting the lies about leaders of other communities, they join in and make the situation worse.
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Four (4)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
Nothing. I don't trust any of the members of the SA community. Mainly for the reasons above, but also because they allow indiscriminate feeding to happen without holding the perpetrators accountable.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I am a Hybrid in more ways than one. I have offered feeding, tantric, psi and sang, to kin that claim to be starving.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: None. They don't deserve it. b. Eradicated Resource: Not relevant. c. Severe Admonishment: Prefer not to answer. d. Torture & Burning: *Removed Due To The Sensitivities & Concerns Of Named Parties
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 141
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
I think the vampire community is in hiding.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Not enough to feed off of.
b. Can’t go being unnoticed anymore.
c. Closed in.
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Five (5)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
More feeding mostly.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I’m not sure I would help out as much as I can.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: Vampires b. Eradicated Resource: - c. Severe Admonishment: Ghosts d. Torture & Burning: *Removed Due To The Sensitivities & Concerns Of Named Parties
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True b. True
Response 142
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
Highly fragmented. Disrespectful towards members/vampires with opinions diverging from their own. Generally discredited elsewhere.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Lack of acceptance towards diversity.
b. Passing general views or assumptions as truth.
c. Excessive exploration of the media and the attention of others.
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Two (2)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
I seek no assistance from the community but it's my belief that many could assist me and others with better communication between different online communities and vampire groups.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
As a psychiatrist I could assist with problems related with depression and misguidance among vampires. Simple in theory not as much in practice.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: Luis Marques of the Order of Aset Ka b. Eradicated Resource: Everything Twilight related c. Severe Admonishment: Nemo of the Temple of the Vampire d. Torture & Burning: *Removed Due To The Sensitivities & Concerns Of Named Parties
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 143
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
Once a seeker has his or her questions reasonably answered, then what? To grow we must show value beyond the newbie.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Clear answer to "I benefit from being a part of the Vampire Community because..."
b. -
c. -
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Three (3)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
While not a specific answer, this is the most important question. A community grows when its members feel a value in being a part of it.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: What legal and binding penalties could be returned? We are not a legal body. b. Eradicated Resource: Can't "eliminate" something from the web, but we can taunt and mock them. c. Severe Admonishment: Team Edward, Jonathon Sharkey? d. Torture & Burning: *Removed Due To The Sensitivities & Concerns Of Named Parties
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 144
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
It's very much a community divided between those who know what's going on, those who think they know, and those who are clueless.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. If you throw around the word "Child" "Sire" "Elder" "King/Queen" "Court" "Father" ect you're a ROLEPLAYER. There's no need to dance around this and try to make it what it's not. Start playing VtM and leave the rest of us alone.
b. Vamps who do nothing but tear down other vamps for the sport of it.
c. Vamps who complain but do nothing to help themselves.
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Four (4)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
I need to be around vamps who aren't stuck on themselves, trying to get into my pants, or who think they're some badass protector. Please help!
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I can blog like everyone else, don't you know?
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: VVC, Dark Nations, Merticus, and of course Pope Francis b. Eradicated Resource:,,,, ect c. Severe Admonishment: No one I'm eager to list d. Torture & Burning: No one I'm eager to list
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True & False b. True
Response 145
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
I live rurally, so I'm not connected with any "vampire community" offline. So I think that we are too isolated at this point.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Not vocal enough about our vampiric conditions with others, which perpetuates the stigma attached to admitting to being a "vampire".
b. Many who are vocal about being vampires can be "cartoony" & "over-the-top vampires".
c. More consistency regarding what the true vampiric condition really is so that we can help, rather than confuse, those who are searching for answers.
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Three (3)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
For those among us who are serious about making the truth about the vampiric condition known to do so.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
While I have been absent from the online vampire community in recent times, I was in a leadership role/the administrator of a vampire forum/community for a few years (The Vampire Realm of Darkness - & in that capacity I did my best to assist others who were confused about the vampiric condition & to help those who were trying to discover if they might be showing signs of having the condition themselves. I am in the beginning stages of working on a project that involves getting information out about the vampiric condition via a blog &/or book.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: None. The truth of our own individual manifestation of the vampiric condition can only honestly be judged by ourselves. b. Eradicated Resource: Any who make wild & outlandish claims about the vampiric condition. (Physical shape-shifting, physical immortality, x-ray vision, etc.) c. Severe Admonishment: None. Open fighting within the community keeps the community itself infantile. Simply don't refer people to ridiculous groups/sites or obvious roleplaying sites. d. Torture & Burning: *Removed Due To The Sensitivities & Concerns Of Named Parties
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 146
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
They seek attention and popularity from every camera and microphone outlet and will step over and silence all that are a negative factor, even if this includes threats, smear campaigns, and demoralizing someone. Also, Democracy is lost; justice is unfair and people are guilty until proven innocent, but still exiled there after because others don't want to face "social ire" from 'guilty by association' social pressures.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Mandatory physical arbitration with accused and normal hearings, appeals, and non cruel/unusual punishment. I've been banned from 2 vampire communities for allegations that I did not do, no evidence, and all the judgments were done in private without any defense or any way to appeal. I was told "This isn't a fucking court of law!" by an Austin court member admitting to a secret ballot exiling me from Austin activities against unknown allegations. (This also led me to be barred from joining a community that admired me, yet denied me for conflict of interest due to 'guilty by association' reasons.) These decisions affected other communities and friends as it was told to them that these allegations were real. There is also no specific time frame as to how long these punishments are lasting. Accusations against people should only be judged with the person present to defend themselves fairly, both with adequate appeal process, cross-examination, statute of limitation clauses for unproven accusations, and full amnesty of allegations if found not guilty. If a Jury is needed to vote, the defendant should also have a say in who can be in it, up to a max of 5 people, secret ballots. If a non-community member wishes to accuse a member of an allegation, they will go through the same process. Jury nullification would be ideal. It's disgusting that courts and houses are formed, specifically the Houston and Austin courts in my case, that promises such ideals and litigation, yet never implement it. Thus, letting innocent people be exiled for unproven rumours, hearsay, and stuff taken out of context, all without a proper trial. It’s also embarrassing that the people that are implementing such harsh punishments and shouting such allegations as facts, are the very community leaders themselves; so high up on a horse, that they choose not to even face the person they just accused, let alone, be accused themselves of crimes they've committed or face any criticism or allegations.
b. Extent of Exile. While I understand not allowing someone at private house parties and private court meetings, banning someone from public clubs where you hold weekly public events is going too far; banning someone from an event that they've never even been to is extreme (such as a more popular vampire ball). There needs to be a REAL reason that that person should be banned from a public event, such as a physical fight. Ever since I moved to Austin, 2 years ago, I've been banned from EVERY Nocturnity, vampire/otherkin meetups (at public venues such as bars, clubs, conventions, restaurants, and private residences), 3 vampire balls, and now Houston events, of which I've never had any pleasure in even attending one event there, yet was banned. It goes to show how far exile from a 'personal/business' grudge decision can extend, especially ones, such as Houston, that are solely based off of pure rumors, lies, and peer pressure from other communities. The San Antonio court found no evidence to these allegations, but stated that my exile was solely based upon them wanting support from the Austin/Houston groups, thus why they would not accept me into their court after they offered a position. Another extent is length of exile. It's been 2 years, far beyond any statute of limitation for anyone to file a police report or prove/show evidence. No one has given me a chance to attend one of these events, a sit down for arbitration, or a plan of action. There is no communication, (Houston and Austin have publicly stated there will be none), and any frustration I may show due to this is met with negative responses.
c. Cult mentality. When I first moved here, Logan South told me to hate a guy named ##### ##### and that if I did not, I would be "met with the same social ire". After a visit at the local Goth bar, Logan spotted ##### minding his own business with friends and ordered his court, including me, to make this guy's night hell, for no reason. Standing around him with glaring eyes, ##### this guy throughout the small club, making him feel uncomfortable till he left. I felt ashamed... this guy did nothing wrong to me, yet I was an ass to him. I stopped hating this guy and offered an apology over Facebook, but ##### was scared. He thought I was a spy or just lying to him to become his friend to get info or something. This guy was legitimately scared.
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
One (1)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
Logan South and Tarik Rever have both informed their courts that their allegations against me are actual facts. This cost me many friends and seriously damaged my reputation to other groups resulting in negative behaviour. I need help litigating the rumours and lies I face from both the Austin and Houston groups. No one is seeking arbitration and I've spent 2 years in complete exile. They keep pushing these lies to others and exiling me from friends, some not even related to the community. These lies are real “knee-jerkers” which include accusations of #####, #####, #####, ##### & #####, #####, #####, (non-existent) police reports and so on. I do have a clean criminal record, but the rumours have gotten me fired from jobs and barred from other communities and venues. Most importantly, the major loss in reputation from friends, acquaintances, and clientel. I want a fair trial. I want this exile to end. I want these rumours and lies to end. I want my life back. I want friends again. I want to stop feeling suicidal because I am so unfairly treated and outcasted by people that have barely ever met me in person, if they have. I want full amnesty.
The Story: ##### (2,532 Word Narrative - Outside The Scope Of This Questionnaire, Contains Potential Legal Matters & Personally Identifiable Information )
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I help displaced teens and struggling adults get off the streets into communes and safe houses and into government programs to help better their life and help them get jobs and careers. I love networking and making friends.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: I'm not sure there are any. b. Eradicated Resource: We need an online, publicly accessible, neutral ground for disputes within the vampire community where parties can express their viewpoints and receive advice and possible mediation from third-parties. c. Severe Admonishment: Houston, San Antonio, and Austin Vampire courts. d. Torture & Burning: *Removed Due To The Sensitivities & Concerns Of Named Parties
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True b. True & False
Response 147
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
The Vampire Community in my area is a group vindictive and exclusive people who care only for themselves. The community and others associated with it suffer for the attitudes of its members.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Repeated harassment and assaults against an individual on "behalf of the community". Personal problems should not be resolved by a community but rather by an individual.
b. The community and its members have seldom been held accountable for their actions.
c. The leadership of the community is not a group of leaders, they are a group of friends who masquerade as leaders and try to "rule" over the community.
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Three (3)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: - b. Eradicated Resource: - c. Severe Admonishment: - d. Torture & Burning: -
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. False
Response 148
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
In my area, the vampires I've met have all been role players, privileged kids bored with their lives and wanting to play at something dark and dangerous. I have yet to come across any true vampires in my area. Those I've "met" have been online only.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. I've been on several Vampire sites, and see a lot of bickering and infighting. Regardless of how we feed, we should accept and be accepted by other Vampires.
b. Those new to the community should have easy access to general social etiquette within the Community online and for "real life" interactions. Perhaps groups for the newly awakened that focuses on Community interaction. This may help reduce the aforementioned bickering, as well.
c. -
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Three (3)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
I am new to the Community. I am a solitary being by nature. I prefer to watch and listen, rather than to join in. However, when I do choose to interact with the Community, I would like more information on which to base my comments. I know my morals, ethics, and customs, but not those of other Vampires. Where can I find information about these necessary basics of interaction?
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: Torquemada was exceedingly efficient last time. Can't someone resurrect him? b. Eradicated Resource: There's only one true Vampire site. Get rid of the rest! c. Severe Admonishment: Those who fail to see things our way, must be dealt with! d. Torture & Burning: Burnt? Drain them. Waste not, want not!
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True b. True
Response 149
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
Hard to say really. I think some of it is OK and some not so much.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Drama
b. Close mindedness
c. Not enough balance in believing and questioning.
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Three (3)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
Not sure really.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
With psychic matters.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: Not sure b. Eradicated Resource: Not sure c. Severe Admonishment: Not sure d. Torture & Burning: Not sure
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True b. True
Response 150
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
I live alone so no one not even the community of vampires know that I know that I am a vampire.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. -
b. -
c. -
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Four (4)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: - b. Eradicated Resource: - c. Severe Admonishment: - d. Torture & Burning: -
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 151
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
Non-existent. As vampires do not exist.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Pretending to be a vampire, when they do not exist.
b. Giving people who have mental illness and truly believe they are vampires, validation.
c. -
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Five (5)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
Please prove to me, scientifically, the existence of vampires. Reproducible, verifiable, proof. Not nebulous "I feed off of psychic energy" cop-out.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I am a skeptic. Convince me.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: - b. Eradicated Resource: - c. Severe Admonishment: - d. Torture & Burning: -
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. False
Response 152
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
The vampire community summarized in two sentences is it is growing in leaps and bounds and that we are getting along more better with humans than ever before and our donors!
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Sanguinarians; the taking of blood for life is a real dangerous and deadly issue.
b. The way we dress freaks some people out when we should be attracting people to our culture.
c. Awakening someone who doesn’t need to be awakened.
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Five (5)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
How to ground and center and meditate better and how too feed off the chi the prana the lifeforce energy manipulation and learn how too feed off of energy!
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I can make incense candles spells meditation music yoga dream analysis I also have a masters in Shamanism!
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: Michelle Belanger, House Kheperu b. Eradicated Resource: c. Severe Admonishment: Father Sebastiaan d. Torture & Burning: *Removed Due To The Sensitivities & Concerns Of Named Parties
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 153
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Hidden
b. Abuse
c. Ridicule
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Two (2)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: - b. Eradicated Resource: - c. Severe Admonishment: - d. Torture & Burning: -
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True b. False
Response 154
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
The community as a whole has lost or forgotten its history, but I see they are striving to find it.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. The younger vampires are discarding the older ways.
b. Teachers need to teach the next generation of leaders.
c. Prophecy is taking shape and being ignored.
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
One (1)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
Simply listen.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I'm a teacher and could be called a prophet.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: The old few... b. Eradicated Resource: None, misinformation is camouflage. c. Severe Admonishment: None, yet. d. Torture & Burning: None. That is the job of some higher species.
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. False
Response 155
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
In Utah the community is more underground but in general it to be more open and information friendly.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. For people like apprehensive to others seeking info or help.
b. For to be able to work together as the community we are.
c. Stop thinking of ourselves as bruiting and dark, and letting others show us in a bad light.
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Five (5)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
Well, I really have no needs other that information to pass on to help others.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
Well, I can perform weddings, do tarot readings, help Utah vampires, help with pagan/Wiccan info. I do rituals, ceremonies, ect. Paranormal help. Genealogy of Norton/McGowan Clan. and more. American Council of Witches and friend on Facebook for more.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: Merticus b. Eradicated Resource: None c. Severe Admonishment: None d. Torture & Burning: None
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True b. True
Response 156
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
Communities online are more prominent currently and physical communities are lacking.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Club life being the only life for some in certain regions. Those readily available to people are normally the families or groups that associate more with club life and focus on it (a few houses or orders having major vested interests in these businesses are understandable) and lack any real personal growth or development or opportunities to learn.
b. Media influence. We have no real PR for the community when negative occurrences do and sadly enough will again happen we have a few people speaking out but no real groups out there that I have seen which work with the courts/groups/multiple families/etc to speak publicly on these happenings.
c. A lot of the readily available information (books, forums, etc) except for a seldom few are specific information based. You do not see too many general info sites with all welcome styles. I mean you have a few sites out there who don’t shun Christians who even participate with their ideas and views and that helps all of us in my opinion. It would be great to see more available forums and group chats that allow all minus as much drama as could be filtered allowing all.
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Three (3)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
Lol aside from a group or gathering area in or near the Northern PA area nothing really. I participate in the community and society because I learn from others as they learn if they do from me.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
Break fix PC Technician. Good company and a person to talk to about spiritual or intellectual topics.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: Ghenghis Khan b. Eradicated Resource: Probably half or more of the vampire/otherkin sites with their elitist attitudes? c. Severe Admonishment: Liberals d. Torture & Burning: *Removed Due To The Sensitivities & Concerns Of Named Parties
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 157
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
I'd say we are where the Wiccan Community was 25-30 years ago. We still have work to do.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. We have to define Vampyrism. What is a vampire?
b. We tend to be a little too public at times. This draws out too many of the roleplay and crazies.
c. Safety! We need to make sure that people take precautions when meeting and how to feed without injuring others.
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Three (3)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
Can't think of any.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I'm willing to listen and point someone in the right direction.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: Ryu b. Eradicated Resource: Tons of them. c. Severe Admonishment: - d. Torture & Burning: *Removed Due To The Sensitivities & Concerns Of Named Parties
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 158
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
Nearly nonexistent. There aren't many that believe or understand.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. -
b. -
c. -
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Two (2)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
Help me to learn more.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
None. Unfortunately.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: - b. Eradicated Resource: - c. Severe Admonishment: - d. Torture & Burning: -
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 159
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
The vampire community has a great potential for growth but currently holds too much in fighting and close minded views towards its own members and the public eye.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. In fighting.
b. Secrecy/lack of public awareness and information.
c. Inability to accept others theories and beliefs.
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Three (3)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
I would like to see a more widespread acceptance of all views and opinions within the vampire community. There is far too much "my way or the highway" within the community. I would love to see a more acceptance in diversity as well as less fear of being in the public eye. People fear what they do not understand, what they have not been educated upon. It is our job to educate and change the misconstrued thoughts of the general public on the vampire community.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I am the founder and head of the Vampire Court of Austin. I have been an awakened vampire for a large part of my life and have educated myself as well as others on the different aspects on vampirism. I have experience in both sanguinary and psychic vampirism as well as experience in public speaking and educational writing. I am a certified event coordinator and specialize in community events as well as charity and outreach programs.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: - b. Eradicated Resource: - c. Severe Admonishment: - d. Torture & Burning: -
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True b. True
Response 160
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
Fractured Organizations
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Infrastructure
b. Continuity
c. Communication Dilution
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Two (2)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
Connectivity to other houses and havens in other regions of the world so when my members move they can find support wherever they go.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
Organizational, event planning, activism, public speaking, head of a household in Las Vegas, NV.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: Those with proven integrity. b. Eradicated Resource: There were not any web sites 500 years ago. c. Severe Admonishment: Unknown d. Torture & Burning: *Removed Due To The Sensitivities & Concerns Of Named Parties
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 161
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
Excellent source of information and all members are helpful.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. -
b. -
c. -
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Five (5)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: Merticus b. Eradicated Resource: Real Vampire Website, c. Severe Admonishment: The above. d. Torture & Burning: *Removed Due To The Sensitivities & Concerns Of Named Parties
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 162
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
I don't think things have changed very much since the 1990's, when it first really started to develop. There are a few major scenes, usually having their own subgroups in the form of households, clans, etc (a leftover from the days when vampire LARPing inspired lifestylers?) And then there are a bunch of fragmented independents who don't want to have much to do with the major groups and players because they don't like the politics and melodrama.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Competition/politics. Big egos tend to clash.
b. Donors should be more respected. This is not a universal problem, but in pockets, the "swans" are still second class citizens.
c. A continuing need for safety education for the blood drinkers; a need for the sang vs psi in-fighting to cease. Neither method of feeding is better or more "real."
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Two (2)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
This is hard to answer. I find, as I get older, that the larger subculture doesn't really speak to me at all. I don't identify with it. I've become a person who also happens to be a vampire (my husband is my donor and has been for years), rather than a vampire who happens to have a personal life. I used to be a lot more deeply involved in the scene and its politics, but I got disgusted. And then I became a parent and I got too busy for scene politics.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I could give pointers on blood feeding safety, if other people would find it useful.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: Me! Me! I'm a grouchy old snob. b. Eradicated Resource: Anything claiming to be a religion or an extension of an ancient magical or supernatural order. Bonus points for pretensions of being connected to the "sacred bloodline of the Holy Grail." c. Severe Admonishment: Anything big is bound to have a few embarrassments that could be called out in an amusingly embarrassing fashion. :) d. Torture & Burning: *Removed Due To The Sensitivities & Concerns Of Named Parties
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 163
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
It’s going very well... Wish others would join and not be afraid to be who they are...
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. People who come into the community who are not there for social calls.. ie: enemies who wish to harm the community.
b. The lack off social meetings within certain areas.
c. -
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Five (5)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
My bipolar anger issues.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
Artistic works as well as medical support.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: - b. Eradicated Resource: - c. Severe Admonishment: - d. Torture & Burning: -
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True b. False
Response 164
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
It is a mere shadow of what it once was.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. -
b. -
c. -
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Three (3)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
Knowledge, it is greatly important to me that knowledge is given and received. Knowledge not only on current events but knowledge on our history, just as we are required to learn history as children in school we should also be taught the history of our community not only the lineage of which we come from but all over so as we can have mutual understanding and respect if nothing else of the belief systems of others.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
I am a reader, I read people. I would not mind teaching others to do this as I believe it can truly help individuals keep away from negative individuals and so forth.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: Unfortunately there are none who could sit on such a high seat and work collectively for the good of all. b. Eradicated Resource: All c. Severe Admonishment: Those whom disobey the laws, treat them as a joke. d. Torture & Burning: *Removed Due To The Sensitivities & Concerns Of Named Parties
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True b. False
Response 165
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
I really don't know too much about it outside of the local community, but from what I can say I do enjoy my time with the community.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. People don't really sit down and talk about things as a group before making a decision.
b. -
c. -
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
A friend of mine was banned from an event because of personal issues that had nothing to do with the event. I find this very unfair and feel something should be done. No one should ever be banned from somewhere that is meant for everyone to have fun and enjoy their time there.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: There doesn’t seem to be any. b. Eradicated Resource: - c. Severe Admonishment: - d. Torture & Burning: -
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. - b. -
Response 166
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
Lots of talk but not too much action.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Networking
b. Real life connections.
c. Finding local people.
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Four (4)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: - b. Eradicated Resource: - c. Severe Admonishment: - d. Torture & Burning: -
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True b. True
Response 167
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
I believe that they are not causing any problems to others (though some may disagree), they go about their business wanting to belong to their own sort of close knit family.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. -
b. -
c. -
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Five (5)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
There isn't much else they can do for me. They have been nothing but helpful so far.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
My high patience. My ability to listen and provide good advice.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: Austin Vampire Community b. Eradicated Resource: - c. Severe Admonishment: - d. Torture & Burning: -
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True b. False
Response 168
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
It seems more underground than anything else. Good information is definitely difficult to find.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. -
b. -
c. -
3. Participation Level:
Passive Lurker
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Three (3)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: - b. Eradicated Resource: - c. Severe Admonishment: - d. Torture & Burning: -
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. False b. True
Response 169
1. Summarizing The Vampire Community:
I see it as a loose collective of allied and sometimes warring factions of Vampyres who at times cannot even agree with each other on what defines a real living Vampyre, surrounded by a mass of non-aligned and even mildly amused or annoyed participants.
2. Specific Issues & Problems:
a. Armchair criticism. Those who sit on the sidelines and criticize others who get things done while never having delivered anything good to the community themselves.
b. The line between fantasy roleplaying and the realities of what being vampyric in today's world means to today's participants remains blurred and this is IMHO due to several individuals promoting misinformation about the VC and Vampyres as fact - and participants as well as others seeking information about us, falling for it.
c. Too often, leaders of various factions within the VC are totally focused on the building of their own little kingdoms, be they political, financial or power-based - at the expense of the well-being of those participants directly affected by this, or the VC as a whole.
3. Participation Level:
Active Participant
4. Ranking Information Quality:
Four (4)
5. Personal Needs & Assistance:
As a community builder, some form of general if not public consensus on the core documents and core values of the global VC would be very helpful. Presenting a correct impression of the VC and the subculture is difficult enough without having examples of dissent in the form of misdirection and false advertising on competing websites and embarrassing escapades in the press by larpers and lifestylers and attention-seekers.
6. Skills & Expertise To Offer:
Leadership, administration, diplomacy, negotiation, counseling, mentorship in community-building, I have walked the political tight-rope both in the VC as well as in the outside world. I am also a fair hand at writing.
7. Hypothetical Vampire Community Reformation:
a. Grand Inquisitor: The Atlanta Vampire Alliance [AVA] b. Eradicated Resource:, all the Ordo Strigoi Vii (OSV)-Sanguinarium sites, the Vampire Nation Concord (VNC) c. Severe Admonishment: Father Sebastiaan, Whytepanther (Steve Leighton), Tim from Real Vampire Life (RVL) d. Torture & Burning: *Removed Due To The Sensitivities & Concerns Of Named Parties
8. Political Aspirations & Personal Motivations:
a. True b. False